26 JUNE 1926, Page 10

London is certainly taking 'seriously the task of wel- coming

ifs visitors from across the:seas. • Gime are the days, or nearly so, when the..English-speaking visitor. was made to feel that he was not wanted. Five. years ago. the Overseas League bought as its headquarters Vernon House, overlooking the Green Park, and sub- sequently it has bought several other buildings for a similar purpose. A few days ago the announcement was made in the Press that the English-speaking Union has acquired Dartmouth House, 37 and 38 Charles Street; as its headquarters. Here special efforts will be made to make the visitor from the United States feel that he possesses a house of his own in London. The house is a magnificent one and its purchase has been made possible by the subscription of debentures by the members of the English-speaking Union. A feature of the under- taking will be the provision of a Page Memorial Library:*