26 JUNE 1926, Page 10

The annual Royal Air Force Display will take place to-day

week, July 3rd, at Hendon. There will be group evolutions by six fighting squadrons and by four bombing squadrons, a low bombing attack, air manoeuvres by wireless, a parade of new and experimental types of aircraft and an aerial attack on an aerodrome. Flying will be continuous from noon to 6.30 and the entertain- ment provided will be worth many times the price asked —from 19s. to 2s., the proceeds -going to the Air Force Memorial Fund. Hendon is easy. to get to by train from Baker Street or Marble Arch, and easier still to reach by car. Any of our readers who wish to combine amusement with a glimpse into the future of the air, and help a most worthy cause at the same time, may pass a well-spent day next Saturday at the London.

Aerodrome, Hendon. TAxTurd.