26 MARCH 1831, Page 16

Loss OF A STEAM-VESSEL: The Frolic steam-vessel, from Milford to Bristol,

left HaverfordWest -on Wednesday'inOrninglast, with a slum. her of passengers from that place, Pembroke, Milford, and Tenby ; and, melancholy to - relate, during the night, she struck on the Nash Sands (which lie off Swansea), and as there was a tremendous sea run- ning at the time, is supposed to have gone to pieces immediately. Amongst. the passengers on board, were General Macleod,. Colonel Gor- don, Mrs. Colonel Boyd, Miss Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, and a number of others, iii all forty to fifty, not one of whom have been saved. It is conjectured that someaccidentmust have happened to the machinery, and the vessel in consequence drifted on .the sands, which are quite dry at low-water, and on which the boiler has since been dis- tinctly seen. RAILWAY ACCIDENT.-011 Monday, a middle-aged labouring man, in attempting to leap from one Of the railway carriages before the train was stopped, fell, and rolling under the wheels, three waggons passed over his thighs, carrying away one leg altogether, and crashing the other so as to call for immediate amputation. He is not expected to survive. FATAL STOTEM OF WIND.—On the night of Tuesday last, the farm- house at Huge, in the parish of Tawstock, occupied by Mr. Slooman, his wife and only daughter, was blown down with a tremendous crash, burying the inmates beneath its ruins. The mother and daughter pe- rished=by•the accident,: but Mr. Slooman' escaped with life, though se- verely hurt.—Exeter Gazette. • „STARVATION.—At Manchester, last week, a miserable creature, a Weaver, named Botley, died from Want of the common necessaries of life, and from cold. He left a wife, and a daughter about fifteen years of age, in utter destitution. They had never applied for parochial relief. ANIMAL SAGACITY.—At Bolton, a few days ago, a greyhound, with her two puppies, on being turned loose for exercise, in scampering across a field, fell into an old pit, fifty yards deep. The owner of the dogs let down a rope to the bottom, with a brick attached, to direct it ; when the old greyhound caught it firmly in her teeth, and was by that means drawn to. the surface, a good deal but not dangerously bruised. One of the puppies attempted to follow its mother's example, but had not

strength to hold on. .

Royal. BON alor.—The Chancellor was presenting petition after pe. tition to his Majesty,. at the Drawing-room, on "rharsday last, in favour of Reform. The duty became almost fatiguing. His Lordship had presented more, thirty such addresses, when G6I am really. ashamed," was e beginning to say, " of being obliged to trouble your Majesty with so many petitions from this purse (meaning the huge Chancellor's bag, so called), but "—" My Lord Chancellor," inter- rupted the King, smiling, "I will take any thing from your purse, but the Seals."— Times.

Pens POLITICAL.—When Isis Majesty's carriage drove into the Stable Yard, at St. James's, on Wednesday, a jolly tar saluted him with a characteristic cheer, " Huzza for King William! Reform Bill for ever!"

HINTS TO THE ANTL.REFORMEnS.—The Lord Chamberlain has notified to Mr. Calvert, that in consequence of his vote on the second reading of the Reform Bill, he is no longer connected with his Majesty's house hold as Secretary to the Lord Chamberlain. Mr. Horace Seymour and Captain Meynell, who held offices in the HouSehold, have also been sent to the right-about, for a similar reason. The King is determined to have " no mistake."

NOBLE PASSTON.—The Queen gave fifty guineas to the nurse of the infant child of the Marquis of Londonderry, on the occasion of the late christening. The Marchioness insisted that the nurse should share the donation with the other servants; the nurse refused. The Marquis was called in—in his judicial capacity, we suppose; and failing to convince the nurse by argument, of which he is so great a master, gave her a box in the ear. The Police Magistrate was invoked ; and at his recom- mendation, an arrangement has, it is said, been effected between the sturdy domestie and the passionate peer. Such is the gossip of the Herald.' - • THE CIVIL LIST. The Committee has published its report. They recommend that no expenditure be mixed up in future with the Civil List that is not necessarily and directly connected with it. In the first class—namely, the allowance to the Queen for her privy purse and establishment, which had been fixed at 110,0001. they suggest no change. In the Lord Chamberlain's-department, the proposed reductions amount to 7,4261: ; airsorig'the' savings is one Of 1711.ontof 10,1711.1n the LOrda and Grooms of the Bedchamber. The superannuation are not reduced. The original charge was 64,4501.—the proposed charge is 57,0241. In the Lord Steward's department, a saving is proposed of 1,494/. 10s.; in that of the Alaster of the Horse, a saving i of 2,0351.; there is a reduc- tion in the Royal bounties of 5001. and n the Royal alms of 74/. The third class—his Majesty's household—remains, as originally fixed, at 171,5001.; and the fifth class—the pensions—is left untouched. The whole reductions, on an estimate of 510,0001. amount to 11,5291. 103.; but of this, 5741. appears to consist of a transfer (the report is drawn up with most laudable obscurity—by one of the shining lights, we presume, who is destined to burn in a rotten borough some of these days—and therefore we speak with hesitation on this point); making the whole reduction somewhat less than 21 per cent. It is now proposed that the pensions shall be arranged in alphabetical order ; and that the first 75,0001. of this gilded ABC shall be kept on the Civil List, and the remainder are to go to the Consolidated Fund. Z, however, will be as comfortable as A ; no pension is to be reduced. The Duchess of New- castle was most inconsiderately forward in her resignation.

SIR WALTER SCOTT.—We contradicted, in our second edition last week, the report of the excellent Baronet's illness, which had been announced by the Morning Post. He is, we understand, in perfect health.

DtvoncEs.—Lord Eldon has brought in a bill "to remedy the evils which his Majesty's subjects sustain from conflicting decisions in the courts of law in England and Scotland on the subject of divorce a vincula matrimonii, granted by the courts of law in Scotland at the suits of per- sons not possessing a real and permanent domicile therein." [Lord Eldon will labour in his vocation as long as he can. The English law, or prat. tice rather, of divorce, is infamous ; it is a practice which denies redress of the greatest social grievance to all persons who are rated below 1,0001. a year. The Scotch law gives justice to the legally disfranchised part, at least in Scotland ; but this is too much for Lord Eldon. The dangerous example of equal law, in one corner of the kingdom, might be copied out in the rest. Lord Eldon would take away the Scotch law from Scotland also, if he could ; but that would be too strong a measure 10 begin with.] THE ENGLISH OPERA-HousE.—Mr. Arnold was anxious, even al- though he suffered still further losses, to continue, for the sake of his company, the performances of the English Opera at the Adelphi through.. out the summer. The performers, however, for whom he was willing to snake sacrifices, have not proved very willing to avail themselves of his good intentions, although the losses of the last season amounted to 7001., even at reduced prices. They refuse to play this season except at full salaries, and the consequence must be the dispersion of the company. The new Opera-house is forthwith to be erected in the centre of the new street.—Globe. [Mr. Arnold is anxious to keep his company together, because it is his interest that they should not separate ; his performers are anxious to separate, because it is their interest that they should not remain together. There is neither generosity on the one side, nor in- gratitude on the other.]

THE LATE MORNING JouRNAL.—The fines imposed upon Mr. Alex- ander have been remitted ; and he was discharged from Newgate on Saturday last. REPORTED DEATIIS.—A weekly paper which boasts of its intelligence, killed Earl Spencer on Sunday, and placarded his death all over the metropolis. Another weekly paper has been guilty of imagining the death of Earl Chatham. Neither of these noblemen have been even sick.

Sue JAMES SCARLET T.,-Sir James Scarlett has resigned his seat for Mahon, to make way for a member who will support the Reform Bill.