26 MARCH 1836, Page 11


Arrived-At Gravesend, March 201h, Esther. Nicholson. from Mauritius. At Deal. 23d, True Britton, Ford, from Bengal ; Alice. Scales, from China ; and Courier. Dixon, from the Cape. 24th, Alexander Baring, St. Croix, from China: Thomas Grenville, Thornhill, from Bengal ; Royal George, Wilson, from Bombay ; and Florentia, from New South Wales; and 25th. Africaue, Doff from Singapore. Off the Wight, 24th, Bengal, Ritchie, from Bengal. At Liverpool, 23d, Lady Charlotte. Wil- hams, from China ; and John Taylor, Crawford. from Bombay. 24th, Memnon, Ekin; and Hector, Cowley, from Bengal At Cork, 20th, Jumna, Tethrington, from China. At St. Helena, Jan. 25th, Fortitude, Wilson; and Warldington. Crosby. from Mauri- tius; 26th, Datebess of Clar nice, Hutchison, front Bombay ; and 'Munster Lass, Carew, from London; 28114 11 lo„ Smallwood, from Singapore; and 31st, Statesman, Quitter, from China; Feb. 0, Ann, from Singapore; and Brothers. from Ba- tavia. Al the Cape. Jan. 9th, Freak, Bough, horn China; 12th, Eleanor, Havelock;


16th, Olive Branch. Stirling ; 17th, Mary Eliza, -; tori Helen, Henderson. float London. Off ditto, January 28t1r, Hector, -, from Bengal. At Bombay, November 14th, Marquis Hastings, ; and Morley. firm Lohtlots. At Madras. Nov. 8th, St. George, Thomson. glom Bristol. and Prince George. Shaw., from London. At Bengal Noe. 8ilt, Eddie. Atter; and 10th. Panned h, Warren, trom London. At China, Nov. 15th, Mitierva, Templar ; 21111, Genoa' Palmer, Down ; and Oberlin. -, from Loudon. At VAR Die111.11.6 Ulna. Oct 20th, Hector. Smith ; and 24th, Kinnear, Mallard, from London. At New South Walea, Sept.2301„ Maria, Miller ; and 28th, England. Beacon, from London ; 30th. Blackwell, Downsom from Cork ; Oct. 9th, !Mu son. Da. son ; William. Clark ; and 251 h. Mary Ann. Stnitti, from Loudon; 26th, 1.atly NV Might en, II;ts.ick ; tront Dublin ; Nov. 2,1. Lotus, Sum- crimson ; and Aurora, Gilbert. from Lomita, ; nnui :34, I ichard Walker, Fidler, from Liverpool. Off Cork, M;trch 21st, Jane Boot u. Dunlop, from China. Saded- hom Gravesend, itlarch Int It, Viostnnt Melbourne. 'rheum. for Madras ; 20th, Artemis, Sparks:, kir ditto; and 29111, Reit Rover. Cut rit., for Van Diemen's Laud. Front I. iverp tot. 19111, M. A. Webb, Lloyd. and Fort flehl, Sly. lot* Bengal ; urn Emma, Pickett. for Bombay ; 21st, Itnogen, Riley, for Chiba ; and 2341, Tweed, Lawson, fur Bombay.