26 MARCH 1842, Page 20


BRITI,SH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.)

Saturday Monday. t uesday. arcane:

A aura.


891 891 shut shut 991 shut shut shut 31 pm. 10 pm.

891 891 — — 991 — — — 80 • 9 891 891 — 991 -._. — ---. 28 11 891 83 — — 991 _ _ —. 27


891 894 — — 99 _,..., _ _- 27


, , i


er, i 3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents. Reduced

31 per Ceuta Reduced

New 31 per Ceuta. Long Annuities

Bank Stock, 7 per cent.

India Stock, 101 Exchequer Bills, 21 per diem India Bonds, 3/ per cenL...,


(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Thursday Evening.)

Alabama (sterling) 5p. Ct. -

Arkansas (1863) 6 - - Austrian 5 - 1125

Belgian 5 -1031

Brazilian 5 - 70 Buenos Ayres 6 - - Cuba_ 6 - - Chilian 6- Columbian of 1824 6 - 26 Danish 3- 82 Dutch (Ex 12 Guilders) 21. - 521 Ditto (Ditto) 5 - 1035 Preach 3 - 81f. Ditto ex d.5 - - Indiana (Sterling) 5 30 Illinois 6 Kentucky 6 - Louisiana (Sterling) 5 - Maryland 6 - Massachussetts (sterling)5 - Bolanos Brazilian Imperial Ditto (St. John del Rey) British Iron


Cate Branca Cobre Copper


Cheltenham and Great Western Eastern Counties Grand Junction Great Western Liverpool and Manchester

London and Brighton

London and Blackwell Loudou and Greenwich

London and Birmingham

Loudon and Croydon ...... . • Manchester and Leeds Midland Counties North Midland South-Eastern and Dover South.Western Mexican 5 p. Cl Ditto (Deferred) 5 -

Michigan 6 -

Mississippi (Sterling) 6 Neapolitan 5 New York (1855) 5 Ohio 6 Pennsylvania 5 Peruvian 6

Portuguese 3

Ditto 5 Ditto (New) - 5 Russian 5 Spanish 5 Ditto (Passive) Ditto (Deferred) South Carolina 5 p. Ct. Tennessee 6 - United States Bank Virginia 5 -


Australasian British North American Colonial London and Westminster London Joint Stock National of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland Union of Australia Union of Loudon


East and West India London St. Katherine

MISCELLANEOUS - Australian Agricultural

British American Laud Canada Genera Steam New Zealand Royal Mail Steam South Australian Van Dienieu's Land SHARES.

(Last Official Quotation daring the Week, ending Thursday Evening.)



Gold, Foretgn in Boos ... .per m 301. Is. 90d. Copper, British Cakes..per ton 951. Os. to 0 0

Old Spanish or Pillar Dollars.... Iron. British Bars 6 15 0- 0 0

Mexican Dollars 0 4 10 Lead, British Pig Is 0 0- 19 5 Silver in Bars. Standard 0 4 115 Steel, English 36 0 0- as 0

414 lit

77 72 47* 171 205 345 1125 241 51 If 531 124 355 405 29 1031

77 sit

28 25 10 34k 18 10 92 351 111 176 13k 81 795 70 261 599 GRAIN, Max Lane. March 28,1.

This morning there was a tolerable good attendance of dealers generally, in conse- quence of having no market on Friday, and the Wheat trade was more animated than on Monday. The few runs left over hum that day found buyers at quite as much and in some instances miller more money than could have previously been obtained.

Hay, Good Inferior New Clover Straw, Wheat HOPS. Kent Pockets 110s. to 130s.

Choice Ditto 140 -170 Sussex Pockets ICO -110

Superfine Ditto 112 - 120 GROCERIES. TEA, Bohm, fine, p.lh. Is. 6d. - 16.70.

Congou. fine ..... 4 - 13 Souchong, fine........ 1 I 11 • In Bond-Duty 20.1d. per lb. COFFEE, fine (in bd) per cwt. 114s, 198. Good Ordinary 740.10 02.

SUGAR, Mu..covado. per cwt 30,15. West India Molasses... 22s Od. to 285. Wheat, Red New4S t o 50 Fine 50 .. 56 Whits 54 .. 54

Fine 53 .00

SuperfineNew62 . 64 Old CI .. 64 Rye 86 to 38

Barley.... 24 ... 95 Malting 111 .47 Malt, Ordinary 50.. 54 Fine 54 ..Os


Peas, Hog 27 2d Maple .. 25 to 90

White int . 34

Boilers Si . 25 Beans, Ticks 94 .. 56

Old /15 .. 36 Harrow. . ae. st

Oats. Feed 15 to 19 Floe IS.. IL Poland 20.. 211 Fine .01

Potato 12 Fine 25 88 • 18,31. AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FORF.IGN CORN For the present Week.

Per Quarter (Imperial) of England and Wales.

964 id !Rye

Wheat Rye. ...... 84s. ltd Wheat

19 IN" Beans

Barley "28" 9d0 I Beats .... 31 Ill Barley

III 3 Peas 22 0

oats IS 6 Peas..... ...... 311 1 Oats 19 9


Town-made........ ........pee ..per wick Mn.to 57s.

Seconds 413 59

Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 43 - 48 Norfolk and Stockton 49 45 BRAN per quarter Os. to Os.

POLLARD. fine Os. to Os. BREAD, 75d. to 944. the 41b. Loaf. PROVISIONS.

BOWER-Best Fresh. 16..16. per dm. Carlow, M. to 41 Ile. per cwt. BACON, Small New. per cwt. 411, to Mls.

CHEESE. Cheshire MU. to Ms. Derby Plain Ots. to 66s.

IHASIS, York 76a. la WI,

EGGS, French... per 1E0 4s. 3d. to ie. 34.


94. . 1006

70 .. 84 0 .. 0 DO .. 60 50 .. 60

U .. 0 76 .. as 114 .. 110 70 .. 112 85 .. 116 ... .. 110 .. 113

42 .. 46 .... 31 .. 46 38 .. 45 SS . 42

POTATOES. York Reds per too 50s. to 704.

Ware_ ................. 0 0 Middling 0 - 0 Chats 0 ooI.



Beef 2.10.1. to 3.. ed. to Sated 35. td.td 4s. Od to 4s. 4ds Mutton 3 0 .. 3 , 4 .. 4 0 310 .. 4 0 5 0 Veal 4 0 .. 4 8 .. 5 4 5 0 .. 0 0 ..d 0 Pork 8 8 .. 45 .. 5 4 4 4 .. • 10 .. 3 4

Lamb ..0 0

• To sink the offal-per albs. HEAD OF carrLE AT SMITHFIELD. Beasts. Sheep. Calves. Fig.. Frlday ..... . ...... .... 40 ........ 4.409 500 904 Monday.... ...... ........... 2,921 ........ 2060 30 487


Itairetid eOni0l per tun 441. 611.

45 0 Linseed Oil al 0

Linseed Oil Cake Ter 1000 13 10 CANDLES, per down, 02.0d. Loss Od. Moulds (6d. per dm. discount) us. Od.

COALS, Hetton 21s. Od. Tees 20a. Od.