26 MARCH 1859, Page 10

BANE OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the 7th and

8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Wednesday the 23d day of March 1859. [sans DEPARTMENT.

Notes issued £33,642,950 Government Debt £11,015,108

Other Securities 3,469,900

Gold Coln and Bullion 19,167,950

Silver Bullion




Proprietors 'Capital

Rest £14,553,900 3 654 290 Government Securities( ineln- ding Dead WeightAnnuity).£10,896,147 Public Deposits* 8,999,757 Other Securities 10,908,094 Other Deposits 18,001,339 Notes 13,310,766

Seven Days and other Bills

504,205 Gold and Sliver Coin: 095,585


141,811,591 • Including Exohequer,Saylng-Banks,Commissionersof NationulDebt,& Dividend Acct,,.