26 MARCH 1859, Page 11



The English Stock Market opened on Monday at a further improvement upon Saturday's prices of 1 per cent, which was well supported up to the close of the day ; hopes of a satisfactory termination of the difficulties between France and Austria being generally entertained, upon a confirma- tion of the intelligence received on Saturday of the forthcoming European Congress. The market exhibited great buoyancy increased by the receipt of higher figures from Paris, the state of the Bourse there indicating a return• of confidence. Consols were first quoted 961 a for Money and 961 a for the Account. Money was in slight demand but rates were not materially altered but well maintained. On Tuesday a reaction occurred of 1 per cent upon various rumours respecting the pending negotiations and the circulation of unfavourable reports with regard to the present Ministry. Prices from the Continent likewise showed a slight return to the previous unsettled condi- tion of things. Yesterday a rise of nearly is per cent was established for a time owing to some very large investments on account of the Court of Chancery, amounting in all to 350,0001. with other large purchases in con- nection with the April Account. In the early part of this morning some strength was imparted to the market by a purchase of 20,0001. on behalf of the Savings' Banks by the Government Broker, whose daily investments had gradually diminished. to 5000/. ; but a sudden fall of fully 1 per cent has since taken place on rumours of a Russian Loan of 12,000,000 rubles, and increased uneasiness concerning the debate in the House of Commons tonight. The market closes extremely heavy, with a tendency to lower quo- tations. Consols are finally 96 961 ; Exchequer Bills, 33 36 ; India Stock, 219 22.

Business in the Foreign Stock Market, though still of a very limited na- ture, has somewhat improved, and more has been done than for some weeks. Turkish, both Old and New Six per Cents, have been more inquired for at 944 and 801. Mexican Stock has principally occupied the attention of the dealers, a rise of 11 per cent having taken place, the late advices are deemed the most favourable for the interest of bondholders that have arrived for some time past. Buenos Ayres leaves off 79 81; Mexican, 21 21a Peru- vian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 91 92 ; Ditto Three per Cent, 74 76 ; Victor Emmanuel, 90 91 ; Brazilian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 941 94/; Turkish Six per Cents are filially 93k 94. The reported Russian Loan has tended to create heaviness late this afternoon.

Business in the Railway Share Market has been greatly animated, and although at the close today there is a disposition to heavinese, prices *ere during the week well supported, the principal lines showing an aver- age advance of 1 per cent upon last week. The Traffic Returns continue to be of a favourable character. Great Western, 581 59 ; Midland, 1011 101a ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 951 954• London and North-Western, 964 963 London and South-Western, 93'93k. In the lighter description of shares the advance has not been so important, but prices are generally betteo. Berwicks and London and Brighton are fully 1 per cent higher, but Caledonians and Great Northerns are about the same as last noticed;' South-Eastern and Dover, 21 2I1 ; North Stafford, 41, 41 discount ; Man-' ehester, Sheffield, and Lincoln about 1 per cent higher, 38 39. A dividend of 3 per cent per annum for the half-year ending 31st January, has been- announced by the Great Western of Canada Company. The French market has shown firmness, and Lombardo-Venetian have risen about 1 per cont. The market altogether has abetter appearance than is shown in most of the markets all round—Northern of France, 37 371; Paris and Lyons, 331 341; Paris and Strasbourg, 27 271; Lombardo-Venetian, 01.1, 11 11 premium ; Ditto New, b lb premium. The Indian Market is flat, owing to the ap- proaching Indian Loan, and the New Issue of 1000,000/. in debentures by the East Indian Railway Company. Great Indian Peninsula, 1011 101: Madras, 20/. shares, l9 20 East Indian, 10211031.