26 MARCH 1859, Page 7


The Neapolitan exiles continue to come from Ireland to England, pass- ing through Bristol on their way to London. At Bristol the detachments of these suffering men have been received by thousands who have cheered them enthusiastically, and entertained them with true British hospitality. Their carriages were drawn by men and boys through streets swarming with shouting multitudes ; and their hearts were touched and their en- thusiasm excited to the utmost degree. Several of the Italians made brief speeches in their own language, and an address of thanks was pub- lished in English on their behalf.

Similar scenes have occurred in London on the arrival of the exiles at the terminus of the Great Western Railway. A Committee met them, and gave them hearty welcome, and a luncheon. As they left the hotel Signor Filopanti, formerly a Roman deputy, delivered a speech welcoming them to London. Signor Filopanti has thus recorded in a letter to the Daily News an incident of the day.

" As the procession of the Neapolitan exiles was defiling from Padding- ton to the centre of London, a young girl, about fourteen years old, poorly dressed and barefooted, accosted a cab in which was M. Porcaro, one of the lately freed patriots, and put a shilling into his hand, then rapidly with-

drew, without giving him time to refuse. She next went to another cab, and did the same thing with M. Fanatano, another of the Neapolitan patriots. A third Italian gentleman ran after her, and tendered her back her two shillings, with thanks on the part of M. Porcaro and M. Fanatano, but she refused to take them back. Being asked for her name, she answered, Mary Stevens. " It seems to me that such an act, on the part of a poor girl, is honour- able not only to her, but to the country she belongs to. When M. Porcine related to me this affecting incident I saw a tear in the venerable patriot's eyes. M. Fanatano said to me, " I will make a hole in this coin, and pre- serve it to the end of my days as a sacred relic."

The Neapolitan exiles have issued the following address to the people of England.

" Deeply touched by the kindness which has dictated the wish for public demonstrations of sympathy on the part of your noble people to ourselves and our companions in exile, we trust that our motives will not be mis- understood if we crave permission gratefully to request that the proposed meetings may not be held. We feel that, after our long absence out of the world, we cannot give to such forms of welcome the return which they ought to receive but that in retirement alone we can, for the present, do justice to the profound sentiments of gratitude which the generosity of England has awakened in us.

"Not less thankful to our countrymen here for the zealous efforts made by them in our behalf, we earnestly trust that we may submit to them the same request.

" London, March 21. " Luigi Settembrini, Guiseppe Pica, Vincenzo Cuzzocrea, Achille Argentinoi Silvio S.paventa, Guiseppe Pace.—Neapolitan Exiles."

Several meetings have been held in the provinces and in Scotland to promote the subscription of the fund now being raised to aid men who have endured the most horrible sufferings, and who, destitute of all, seek liberty in free England.

Baron Toerio is not yet well enough to journey from Cork to London. Mr. Gladstone has entertained Settembrini, Spaventa, and other exiles at his house in Carlton Terrace.