26 MARCH 1859, Page 7

tt aZrtruiulis.

The usual meeting was held in Hyde Park on Sunday. These demo- cratic gatherings have become an institution. Numbers of foreigners mingle with the crowd and cheer the extreme sentiments uttered by the orators. On Sunday, Mr. Ernest Jones was the main speaker. He re- commended abstinence from violence, and obtained from the meeting an ;assent to universal suffrage.

A deputation had an interview on Thursday, at the Foreign-office, With the Earl of Malmesbury, to press upon the consideration of her Me. jesty's Government the acceptance of the Fiji Islands. The deputation consisted of a large number of Members of Parliament.

A deputation of Irish Roman Catholic Members waited upon/fr. Dis■ reeli on Saturday, to urge upon him the claims of the " Catholic" Uni- versity of Ireland. The wishes of the deputation were stated by Mr, Maguire. Mr. Disraeli said he was quite familiar with all the facts re. biting to " the Catholic University." It had for a long time engal his attention, and he had instituted minute inquiries respecting it He could state distinctly that he did not believe this question ought to be regarded as one involving a rivalry to the Queen's Colleges, but as one which should be decided on its own merits. The importance of the Uni- versity was evident, and he himself had always considered its establish- ment as a most memorable instance of the zeal and liberality of the Ca- tholics of Ireland. He would submit the whole subject to the Cabinet, from whom it would certainly receive the utmost attention. The reply of the Chancellor of the Exchequer was regarded by those present as fa. vourable.

A curious incident has occurred in the northern district of the metro- polis. The Reverend Henry Hampton, in consequence of a series of complications which need not be specified, has been ousted from a church wherein he had officiated. His congregation, or great part of it, built him another, a temporary structure. It was hoped that, as a cler- gyman of [the Church of England, he would have been licensed to ofII• date therein. Dr. Tait was willing, but the incumbent of the district stood out against it, and his opposition was final. A meeting of the congregation of Mr. Hampton have resolved " that the necessity has arisen for a free church of .England, whereby the wishes of a congrega. tion in the appointment of a minister may be legally attained without any departure from the forms of the Book of Common Prayer" ; and trustees have been authorized " to register the building known as St. George's Temporary Church, Tufnell Park, pursuant to the 18th and 19th Viet. cap. 81, as a ' free church of England.' " The Archbishop of Canterbury., on Wednesday, gave his final decision in the case of the Reverend Alfred Poole versus the Bishop of London. It was an appeal from a decision of the Bishop, whereby confession confession his practice was con- trary to the practice and spirit of the Church of England. The assessor of the Archbishop, Dr. Lushmgton, made in court areport upon the appeal, and, founding himself upon this, the Archbishop declared that the Bishop of London had exercised a sound discretion in revoking the licence, and, further, that the course pursued by Mr. Poole is not in accordance with the rubric or doctrines of the Church of England, but is most dangerous, and most likely to produce most serious mischief to the cause of morality, and religion. The appeal was therefore dismissed, and the revocation of the licence confirmed by decree.

From Dr. Lushington's statement of the law, it appears that a bishop has unlimited discretion to revoke licences upon any good and reasonable cause; that he is bound to give the curate an opportunity of explaining or showing cause, but that the mode of doing so is also at his discretion. In this ease, the Bishop of London rejected the gross charges preferred against Mr. Focal by Mr. Baring upon the evidence of some women, -and founded his decision on some " admissions " made by Mr. Poole in conversations at London House. Mr. Poole complained that no "definite charge" was preferred against him ; but Dr. Lushington thought that the charges preferred could not be considered indefinite. The charges referred to systematic confession and absolution, and the admission of females to confession, and putting questions to them touching the Seventh Commandment, calculated to bring scandal on the Church. Dr. Lushington said, it appeared to him that the following will be a true statement—" That when women who had sinned against the Seventh Commandment came or were sent to Mr. Poole for con- fession and absolution, he did, in the sacristy, at their own request, put certain questions to them respecting their violation of the Seventh Com- mandment, not in the gross language mentioned, but the questions were

such as, in the opinion of the Bishop, would j1ring scandal on the Church. This, in my judgment, is a definite allegation admitted, save as to the opin- ion of the Bishop, by Mr. Poole to be true, and to be, in fact, represented by his advocates as a correct report of Mr. Poole's conduct, and defended by them as right and proper."

A remarkable case has been heard before Vice-Chancellor Page Wood. A Mr. William Taylor, surviving partner of the firm of J. and W. Taylor, applied for an injunction to restrain Henry Degateau and Henry Dalton from using their trade marks. The Taylors were the manufacturers of 44 Taylor's Persian thread." They made affidavit that the labels on the reels always indicated exactly the true quantity of sewing thread to be found thereon. Degateau and Dalton were accused of selling short lengths of Taylor's thread for long lengths, that is selling 250 or 280 for 300, and stating that a reel contained 300 when it only contained 250 or 280. But it appeared, in evidence, that although recently the Taylors had refused to supply to the dealers reels purporting to contain more than they did con- tarn, they had repeatedly given in to what the Vice-Chancellor called the practice of selling fraudulent lengths. Sir Page Wood said the Court would protect trade marks, but could not interfere in such a case as this by =injunction. Bill dismissed. Vice-Chancellor Wood also gave judgment in another case involving un- pleasant disclosures. Edwin and Reginald Haigh, cotton-brokers of Liver- pool, held cotton belonging to Mr. Mertens, of New Orleans. He desired to obtain possession .of it as he had heard it would be sold earlier than he in- tended. He therefore offered to pay the balance due from him to them and take the cotton. This being refused he obtained an injunction to restrain a sale. Whereupon the Haighs said that the cotton had been placed as security for bills discounted with Overend Gurney and Co. and subsequently sold. Mertens moved that the defendants and Bell their agent should be committed for breach of injunction. The Court declined to adopt this course ; but Sir Page Wood said his only reluctance as to actually. committing them was that neither the plaintiff nor any one else would gain any benefit by such a course being taken. He had made up his mind, however, if ever such a case came again before the court, to make an example and commit the par- ties. In the present instance he should not commit the defendants, and the order would be that they undertake to abide by any order this court would make as to damages occasioned to the plaintiff by the sale of the cot- ton, in the event of its appearing at the hearing that the plaintiff did not authorize or acquiesce in the same being made over to Messrs. Gurney and Co. by way of security. A receiver would be appointed, and the defendants, Reginald and Edwin Haigh, must pay all the costs of the present applica- tion.

Mary Ann Donovan, an Irish Girl, was brought before Lord Mayor Wire oh Saturday for having tried to sell combs on Cornhill. She was removed by the police on complaint being made that she was an annoyance, and she Used the vilest language on the occasion and threatened to " smash" the constable. The girl denied that she had used vile language, and retorted the charge on the constable.

, " The Lord Mayor—" Well, you must not come into the city to sell your Combs. That is often only a cover for immodest purposes ; and, besides, you are liable to a fine of 40s., or one month's imprisonment, for hawking your things in this way." Prisoner—" Then, what can a poor girl do ?" The Lord Mayor—" Why, you must try to get an honest living." Pri- soner—" Why, I do try, and you stop me. I often stay about the streets

all day to do so by selling my combs, and only gain a few halfpence ; but I suppose you think I might go upon the streets, but (vehemently with great natural eloquence) that I'll never do." The Lord Mayor—" ' There's no occasion for that ; there are many means of getting an honest living." Prisoner—" Then, Sir, tell me how. I can't take a shop and if I sell in the streets you say I am liable to 40s. fine or a month. If I beg, you'll give the three months, perhaps ; and if I steal I don't know what will become of me. So tell me, if you can, what a poor girl can do ?" The Lord Mayor- " At all events, you must keep out of the city, and as you have been here before, I must send you to prison for fourteen days." - "Justus" complains of this decision on the part of Lord Mayor Wire, and iumbers of persons send money for her. On Wednesday the Lord Mayor stated in court, "that if the whole of the case had been published there would have been no sympathy and no contributions. It is well known that the girl had been here before, and that she and those with whom she asso- ciates have been long in the habit of assembling together and annoying the ,assengers in the streets with the most disgusting language; and, in fact, she proved what a mistress of foul language she was while she .was awaiting her examination in this house." Mr. H. B. Williams, honorary secretary of the King Edward's School of Industry gives this account of Mary Dono- van.

"In 1853 she was admitted to the Refuge, her occupation being recorded As a 'vender of things in the streets.' She remained with us for a period of about two years, when she was publicly expelled by the committee for in- citing some six of the inmates to run away. Naturally she is a shrewd clever girl, with a plausibility of manner and expression as to deceive the most experienced. Not willing, however, to allow such a girl to fall away without every effort to reclaim her, the committee ordered that the usual dress and work of the refuge should in her case be dispensed with and that the should be trained as a pupil teacher and receive a small weekly gratuity. Every effort which kindness and prudence could possibly dictate was made to save her, but without effect. The depravity which her education upon the streets had fostered exerted an influence generally which I hope never to see again in that institution, and I have no hesitation in saying that she is how a most abandoned and dangerous girl."

The beadle stationed at the Piazza, Covent Garden, dreamed that one William Death, a man of weak intellect, had hanged himself. The dream

ihreying on his mind, the beadle took a witness and went to Death's house. reeking iu they found the poor man dead, indeed, but not from hanging. The body was lying on its face quite naked. A Jury was summoned, and a medical witness was of opinion that the man had died of apoplexy two days before. It further appeared that the deceased had 601. deposited in a !savings-bank, which, from remarks he had made, he intended to keep, so that he ahpuld be entitled to vote if the new Reform Bill became law. The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence.