26 MARCH 1927, Page 35

The new series of " Hogarth Essays " (2s. 6d.

each) consist of : Hunting the Highbrow by Mr. Leonard Woolf, The Apology of Arthur Rimbaud by Mr. Edward Sackville West, Impene- trability, or The Proper Habit of English by Mr. Robert Graves: The Nature of Beauty in Art and Literature :by Mr. Charles Mauron. Mr. Graves's is a stimulating and delightful es%ay he says truly that our beautiful language can bear any load " provided it is properly packed and adjusted. Its greatest virtue is its receptivity and power0. r improvisation while remaining stubbornly English." It is news—good news - that the emphasis " sonic " (as in " some fool meaning " what a great fool ") appears to have been used by Congrese and to have lain dormant in dialect until revived in America, Hunting the Highbrow is another delightful essay which warrants more attention that many a bigger book which will claim the attention of reviewers. (Bores are never so well treated as when they appear in print.) Mr. Woolf thinks that Ella Wheeler Wilcox " is sinking into obliv• We hope he is right, and hope also that Hunting the Highlnyno will long survive her. It ought to.

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