26 MARCH 1937, Page 1


THE last week has transformed the military situation on the front north-west of Madrid, and immensely improved the morale of the defence generally. Initial success against the Italians in the Guadalajara region has been exploited, thanks largely to Government superiority in the air, and the retreat converted into a rout, the character of which is sufficiently demonstrated by the volume of the booty secured by the pursuing Government forces. It is worth noting that this is the first time Italian troops have been really tested since 1918, for the fighting in Abyssinia was done by blacks, not (except in rare cases) by whites, and since it is clear that most of the Italians in Spain were taken there without their will or desire their fighting value can be heavily discounted. The battle of the last fortnight may now be considered at an end, for though the Government forces are still advancing in some sectors they have to consolidate their positions, and General Franco has stiffened the resistance by throwing Moors and Spaniards into the breach created by the Italian &back. Madrid, for all its optimism, must count on a prolongation and perhaps an intensification of its ordeal, for the insurgents will almost inevitably try to relieve the pressure in the north by an attack in the south, probably at Jarama. But the capital is strengthened materially, as well as immensely enheartened, by the guns, petrol and ammunition captured from the Italians.