26 MARCH 1965, Page 41


Specially contributed by E. LERTORIA (Surbiton) BLACK Is men)

WHITE to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 222 (Millins): K-B 4, threat Q-K 7. . . . R x B ch; 2 K x R. r.. . R x P ch; 2 K x R. r . . . B-Kt 4 ch; K x B. x • Q-Q 6 ch; 2 K x Q. r . . . P-Kt 4 ch; 2 K-B 5. 1... P-KB 4 or Kt-Kt 3; 2 K-Q 3. 1 . . . P-K B 3, 2 Q-Q 5. . . P-Q B 4; 2 Q-Q 6. Surprising key move. not easy to find.

When one feels totally baffled by the deviousness of Pctrosian or overwhelmed by the complexities of the latest variations in the Najdorf Sicilian it is very restful to retire on to a well-played Lopez. Not that the Lopez itself is not inundated with modern analysis. -it is; but somehow it preserves its character and in ;■ general way you know where you are. One's readin! Trollope instead of Iris Murdoch.


Opening', Roy LOPEZ. (Championship of Vienna, 1964)

r P-K 4 P-K 4 2 Kt-K BKt--Q B3 3 B-Kt 5 P--Q R3

4 B-R 4 M-11 3 c O-0 13-K 2 6 R-K r P-Q Kt 4 7 B-Kt 3 P-0 3

8 P-B 3 0-0

9 P-K R 3 Kt-4.1 R 4

to B-132 P-I( 4

II P-Q 4 Q-B I2 Q 10-Q 2 R-K r

Kt-B r li-Q z

14 Kt-K3 Q R-B r ? Although Black has wandered peacefully down the most well-trodden of all chess paths, he demonstrates in this and subsequent moves that he really has no idea where he is after all. In this variation Whi,, normally exchanges centre pawns-and when this has happened the Black Q R is useless on Q B I: 'book' is Li . P-K. Kt 3; 15 P xK P, P x P; 16 Kt-R z, Q R-Q a. As we shall see, Black gets into the same line with n tempo behind.

rs K P P x P

ad Kt-R 2 Q R-Q r The book position-but without 13 P on K Kt 3 to hold his K 13 4 square against the White knight. Q-B 3 P-BS Now we haven meaningles, demonstration on the queen's side. He should play 13-K 3 and P-K Kt 3 with reasonable defensive chances. a8 Kt (R 2)-Kt 4 K1 x Kt? Still 18 13-K 3 is best. though White is now workirig up a strong attack anYway. 19 P x Kt . . . . Of course the rook file will prove decisive. B-14 11 4 This is all nonsense; he must play B-K 3, P-K hlt 3, and perhaps B-K B 1-Kt 2. 20 Kt-B Q-Ka 3 21 P-K Kt 3 1. . . . This modest move is far more menacing than it appears at first glance. 21 . . . . Kt-B 3

22 K-K1 2 ! Kt-K

23 R-R r Kt-Kt 3 24 . .Kt x Kt; 25 K1 P x Kt, B-K B 1; 26 Q-R 5, P-R 3; may be a little better bu; White should now win anyway.

24 Kt x 133 K x Kt 25 RxPch! KxR 26IQ xPch K-1? r

27B-Kt 5 Kt--RS eh The -choice lies between tha: and 'resigns'; slightly prefer 'resigns'.

28 B x Kt R-K B

29 13-13 6 ch Resigns 29 . . . Q x13; 30 12-R t ch and mate next move.