26 MAY 1832, Page 14


WAR-OFFICE. May 95.-2d Regt. of Life Guards : Quartermaster J. Carr, from half- pay of the Regt. to be Regimental Quartermaster, vice Wainwright, promoted-3d Regt. of Dragoon Guards : Cornet E. Evans to he Lieut. by purchase, vice Kelson, who retires ; W. II. Browne. Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Evans-33d Beat. of Foot : Ensign W. Ironside, from the 38th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Grignon, who retires-34th Foot : Lieut. J. J. Best, from lialfisty unattached, to be Limit, vice W. 0. Warren, who exchanges-36th Foot : Capt. C. C. NPCarthy, from the 11 West India Regt to be Capt. vice R. W. Wake. who retires upon half-pay Royal African Corps- 38th Foot : J. R. Stowell, Gent. to be Ensign by purchase, vice Ironside, appointed to the 33d Foot--10th Foot : Lieut- Col. A. H. Dickson, from the 64th Foot. to be Lieut: Col. vice Kirkwood, who exchanges; Sergeant-Major P. Walsh to be Quarter- master, vice Hales, deceased-57th Foot : J. Mockler, Gent. to be Ensign, without par- chase, vice Evans, whose appointment has not taken place —60th Foot : Capt. 0. Delancey, from half-pay unattached, to be Capt. vice A. Ellison, who exchanges-64th Foot : Lieut.-Col. T. Kirkwood, from the 40th Foot, to be Lient.-CoL vice Dickson, who exchanges-80th Foot: Capt. N. Baker to he Major, by purchase, vice Ilimpur, who retires ; Lieut. E. Every to be Capt. by purchase, vice Baker ; Ensign R. T. Sayer to be. Lieut. by purchase, vice Every ; J. Lightbody, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Sayers; 11. R. M. Gulston, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice West, who retires —87th Foot : II. Jephson,Gent.to be Second Lieut. by purchase, vice Jodrell, appointed to the 1st or Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards-94th Foot : Lieut. J. Fordyce. from half- pay unattached, to be Lieut. vice R. II. Bunbury, who exchanges-93th Foot: G. D. Paterson, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice M'Cabe, promoted-2d West India Regt. Capt. II. Mends, from half-pay Royal African Corps, to be Capt. vice M'Carthy, appointed to the 36th Foot ; Ensign E. Ricard to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Hoskins, deceased ; J. B. Davidson, Gent. to be Ensign, vice Ricard. Memoranda—The Christian names of Cornet Kenyon, of the 1st Dra,goon Guards, axe Eduard Lloyd. The Christian names of Ensign Monckton, of the 50th Foot, are Edmund Gambier, and not Edward Gambier. The King has been pleased to appoint Colonel Charles Duke of Richmond, K.G. of the Sussex Militia, to be one of his Majesty's Aides-de-Camp for the service of his Mili- tia Force. His Majesty has at the same time been pleased to direct that the said Duke of Richmond shall take rank as one of the Senior Colonels of Militia. immediately after the Junior Colonel of his Majesty's Forces.