26 MAY 1838, Page 14


Sinfonia Pastorale

Aria. Signor IVANUFF, " Fri Iwo a me" di /simmer-


Fantasia, Pianoforte, Mr. Dllm,m It, On Thenws front °sit- Maine Tell) Caratina. Mrs. li. It. !Smoot,. ' Robert, tot rine laime" (Robert le Diable)

Overture, Oberon

THE " yearly list," it will be seen, supplied the instrumental materials for the sixth concert, on Monday last.




Sinfouia in E not

(tumuli% Mrs. Hipline, Signor IVA KOFF, Mr. TIIETTON, aud Mr. GIMLET, " A Se. o earn" (1 Purtfant) Concerto, Violin, Mr. AVOUSTE Porr, Maitre de Chapelle In son Altesse lio)ale to Grand Due tie Oldenburg, (Ids first pm romance in this country) LIPINSKI. Terrell'', Signor lessiorr, Mr STRETTON, R11,1 Mr. 11; !UNMET, " Or OW It surto '' (assylielma Tell) ROSSINI. Overture, (MS ) Les Exiles GUYNINZA.

Lender, Mr. MOM—Conductor, Mr. ii. It. Homo,.

And what can you have better than the Pastoral Sinfonia of

BEETHOVEN, and MOZART in E flat?" is the question triumphantly eat to those who complain of the inertness of Philharmonic Directors. essteing, we readily admit ; and we are quite content to admit these as worthy of annual repetition, but such works have few duplicates, and the periodical reiteration of all the same sisfonias and overtures is the result of sheer laziness. Two new solo performers made their appearance—AIL DoIlLER on the pianoforte, and Mr. POTT on the violin. The visit of the first is understood to be a speculation on the part of a very enterprising con- cert-broker, (we are compelled to borrow the phraseology of trade in our current musical notices ;) and a very vigorous system of puff- ing has attended his appearance. To make the adventure pay, Mr. MAILER bed to be " written up," and he has been written up accord. jogly. He is what is termed "a brilliant player,"—that is, be has great strength and velocity of finger; and with the multitude that is enough. His composition was a compound of HERZ and THALBERG- the dash, the noise, the reiteration of the first, with the strong emphasis of individual notes accompanied by flights of' arpeggios of the latter, but wholly destitute of his inventive power. Airs which have been almost removed from the barrels of our street-organs should not have been allowed to find their way into the Philharmonic Concert-room, and to jostle the finest works of BEETHOVEN arid MOZART : but either the taste of the Directors is vulgarized, or they have cogent reasons for permitting such exhibitions as that of Mr. DIALER. Had any Eng- lish player insulted his auditors with variations on the Tyrolese chorus from William Till, he would have been hissed, and most deservedly.

Mr. POTT is a player of a different stamp. His tone is rich and sweet, his intonation perfect, his style at once pure and full of vigour— altogether the playing of the German rather than the French school. A more perfect and finished display of violin-playing we have rarely heard.

The vocal music was wretched ; even unusually so. BISHOP'S situ- ation was a most unenviable one,—condenined to direct the perform- ance of music of the lowest class in an orchestra competent to give full effect to the creations of his own genius. It was as if CAMPBELL or KNOWLES were occupied in directing certain spouters how to recite the poetry of PITZBALL and BAYLY. We beg to ask, for information, in what tongue the words of Ivaeort's song were intended to be printed? Our limited knowledge of languages is unequal to their comprehension.