26 MAY 1838, Page 9

SC( 111...1N1).

The Illeei:ng ill Glasgow to petition for Universal Suffrage, and its

coacemitatas, was held on IlIonthay last. '1 he trades marched in procession to the Green. The weather was unfavouraltle, mid probably- prevent«1 fumy from attending the meeting ; bat still the number was very litre:. The Gtivort. Argus ',;1)A that the dentunstration pre- seeted a great deileieney compared with the n ...form processions am lug the striae-le ler the Bill, lea miproached to those got up to tee. ive !mid Duiletto ;eel .11r. 011onnell. There were long ranges of boys in the prorce-ion ; in which sespect it differed from thase of former

daye. Altieh greater enthusiteen, however, was manifested at the O'Comn II demonetration. Resolutions for Cif:ea:sal Stall:tee, Au-

to:el Parlianielits, l'ote by Ballet, and Ito Property Qualification for Mernhers of Parliament, were passed by accluteation ; told a petition founded 011 thy ni was adopted. The principal speeches r. pornal in the (ilosyme Arpus, ore those of the Birmingham deputation, ( atesees.

A torten!, Mutaz, Edmunds, Salt, and Douglas,) mid Dr. Wade. In the eveniug there was a temperate and frugal repast at the Arena in Hope Street, sat( piled by about WO persons. Excellent order was maintained both at the banquet and the open.air meeting.

On Tuesday, in spite of the rainy and disagreeable weather, from fifteen to twenty thoustual persons frena Paisley and the adjoining dis- tricts easel-Odell on a " wide expanse on the aocient patereal estate of Sir Withi,iuum 'Wallace," with flags and banners, to adopt a similar peti- tion to that of the men of Glasgow. Mr. Attwood amid 31r. Edmonds were present, and addressed the multitude.

Lord John Russell refused to comply with the requisition from Glasgow to alter the senteece of the woman Jeffrey, colivieted of two minders in Glasgow; and she was hanged on Monday. To the last she persisted in declaring her innocence; and buddy illness, so eevere that it was expected she would scarcely live to the day of her execution, made no impression on her resolute mind. The crowd at her execu- dun was enormous.