26 MAY 1860, Page 10

Despatches from Sicily via Marseilles, say that the Neapolitan sol-

diers are beginning to desert to Garibaldi ; and that two bodies of volunteers from the peninsula have disembarked near Palermo.

According to the Petrie, Garibaldi has been joined by reinforcements under the command of Colonel Medici. It implies that he did not hold Monreale, but the heights east and west of that position. The Offi- cial Gazette of Turin says, that General Lanza has demanded an armis- tice; his demand was refused.

Two French men-of-war entered the Bay of Naples on the 19th of May.

A telegram from Vienna, May 25, purports to give information on the Eastern Question, now all alive again.

" The proposals made by Russia to the other great Powers for an inquiry into the real condition of the Christians in Turkey occasions a frequent exchange of opinion between France and the other great Powers. M. Thouvenel has declared to the Austrian Ambassador that the Cabinet of the Tuileries has seen with regret that Russia has prematurely brought forward the Oriental question ; but, as this question has been officially put forward, France considers that she acts in conformity with the interests of Europe by associating herself with the proposal of Russia, as otherwise a pretence would be given to that Power to assume the exclusive protectorate of the Christian subjects of the Sultan. Ii. Thouvenel adds, that during his em- bassy at Constantinople he became convinced that the Hatti Humayoun of 1856 will long remain a dead letter, unless the Porte changes its system of government, " Without recognising the urgency of the inquiry proposed by Russia, France is disposed to acknowledge its principle, and she invites the other great Powers to do the same, leaving, however, to their agents in the East to ascertain the exactitude of the facts which have been brought forward by Prince Gortachakoff."