26 MAY 1866, Page 1

India never has much to talk of, and a great

fuss is being made there just now about the delinquencies of a Captain liarward, R.A , Commissioner of Ordnance in charge of the arsenal at Agra. He has been committed for trial on a charge of selling Enfield rifles and old muskets to the agents of native States, and letters are produced from him to one Chuggan Lall, a man who dealt for

Gwalior, Teak, and Kotah, of a highly suspicious character. It seems indec 1 certain either that Captain Harward did sell the articles, or that several waives are in a conspiracy to ruin Win, alternatives on which theCourt will deohle. 'The Indiana of course suspect a grand plot, and it pertain"), is not _advisable to sell Enfields to native States ; but the few hundreds sold can make 1:ttle difference, and the whole affair, even if Captain Ilarward is guilty, differs in nothing from the frauds which go on in every etorekesps.'s department of every State in the world. Here the corruption was in shoes, in another place in stationery, and in India in arms.