26 MAY 1877, Page 1

The latest, intelligence from Constantinople points to serious apprehensions existing

in Government circles. The Softas, who have recently been purchasing arms, especially revolvers, sent a deputation to the Chamber on May 23, and afterwards visited the Palace. They demanded the execution of the Com- mandant of Ardahan, and a change in the Ministry. The sub- sequent debate was so violent that the President adjourned the sitting, and on May 24 the capital was declared in a state of siege, all persons ordered to surrender their arms, and domiciliary visits authorised to search for them. It is believed that the Chamber is regarded at the Palace as a centre for these manifestations, and that it will in a day or two be prorogued, with little intention of calling it together again. As the arms cannot be seized, the soldiery being reluctant to harass the guardians of the mosques or enter the women's apartments, the news of the reported disaster at Erzeroum may be followed by very serious disturbances, but the Minister at War is not this time on the side of the agitating party.