26 MAY 1906, Page 13


answer to Mr. Macmillan's letter in the Spectator last week, please allow me to state that at a meeting of the Church of England Liberal and Progressive Union held on

the 16th inst., Lord Aberdare presiding, it was unanimously agreed:— "That the proposals of Mr. Birrell's Bill offer a basis for an equitable and practical solution of the present difficulty in the establishment of a National System of Education, but that the following amendments are urgently desirable :—(1) Teachers to be permitted to take part in the denominational teaching (at the expense of the denomination) where such teaching is permitted. (2) Clause IV. to be made mandatory upon the Education Authorities. (3) The facilities proposed to be given to transferred schools to be extended to all schools. (4) All religious teaching to be within compulsory school hours."

Members of the Union will be glad° to co-operate with Mr. Macmillan on these lines.—I am, Sir, &c.,