26 MAY 1917, Page 2

A further proof of the to-operation of the United States

with the Allies at all points is forthcoming in the generous decision of the Washington Government to assume all .financial responsibility for the work of the Commission of Relief in Belgium. In consequence of this decision, prompted by Mr. Hoover, the Chairman of the Commission, and approved by the British Government and the Belgian Minister, -the National Committee. for Relief in Belgium will suspend its appeals to the public in the British Empire. and all moneys seceived after June 1st will be reserved for emergencies now unforeseen. During the existence of the Committee a sum of a:2;400,000 has been raised by voluntary subscriptions in the United Kingdom and throughout the Dominions, while the public has -been constantly reminded of our obligation to Belgium; and the terrible results of the German occupation. We rejoice to think -that there will be no slackening in these beneficent labours under the new organization which our Allies are about to set up.