26 MAY 1923, Page 12


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I have been profoundly intrigued—and I may add baffled—by the mystery of where the money comes from to enable record crowds to travel at holiday time and record crowds at all times to attend such national events as the Grand National Steeplechase, Derby, Cup-tie football matches and so on. Officially speaking, everyone says that he is bank- rupt in theory if not in practice ; but, however this may be, there is obviously plenty of money to spend on recreation. I am far from cavilling at this expenditure, which I regard as a very healthy and hopeful sign. A nation of sportsmen is bound to come out on top in the end. But I wish that some of your readers would explain the economic side of a phe- nomenon which on the surface is puzzling. Where does the money come from ?—I am, Sir, &c., P.