26 MAY 1933, Page 17

II.—A Moorlander Looks Forward to a Bride

A WOMAN'S een where fiat's as scarce as here ?

Her nails in sic a place like stars 'ud glow !

Fegs, it's nae vilipendin she's to fear.

I'm used to makin' the maist o' sma' affairs.

Blither wi' a wheen heather cowes and spurts o' grass Than ither folk wi' earth's maist prodigal show

I mak' a world I'd swap for vane o' theirs

And twist by twist ken a' its wankishin'.

What will I no' then wi' a haill live lass ?

Treasure the canna and misprize her skin Y

Ken the wra moors and no' her benmaist thocht ?

Wreathe on my clew a' the threids that mak' This manufacture till it looks if you please At sun-up like a whey-drap in a cheese, And leave sic brew material unwrocht ?

—The bottle o' port that's a' the cheese can lack !