26 MAY 1933, Page 38


The University of -Edinburgh Graduates' Association represents an attempt to band together former students all over the world on the model of the American " Alumni " associations. The organization has published this magazine since its early days and has succeeded in maintaining a' remarkably high standard of . format. and production-- occasionally including some interesting reading-matter from' the point of view of those without the fold. This number (The University of Edinburgh Journal, Summer Number, Oliver and 'Boyd, ls.) contains an article on the centenary off Sir John Leslie, an appreciation of the work of Professor Sir Edward Sharpey-Schafer, and an interesting contribution from Major Ronald Campbell—a man, who seldom breaks silence. Reviews of new books and university news are other features. The late George S'aintsbury was an occasional contributor. All those Scots graduates who: welcome the efforts now being made to restore to their national universities some sense of corporate life,- some- element of fraternity among past students, some sign of being other than feeding grounds for the foundations of the South, should welcome this hand- somely-produced and -ably edited periodical as a significant move in the right direction.