26 MAY 1933, Page 44

Financial Notes


DouvEss in the market for high-class investment stocks end firmness in most of the other sections of the House describe conditions on the Stock Exchange during the past . week. The main influences operating have been of a political character, and up to the time of writing (for we live in times When events can change very rapidly) they have been regarded as of a favourable character. It is probable, 'b:owever, that to some extent the effect of the more favourable developments at Geneva has been the more marked owing to the acute tension which at one time existed and which was responsible for a momentary sharp fall in Stock Exchange prices. There is also a vague feeling that with the World Economic Confer- • ence approaching there will be a tendency to keep up prices in most departments of the Stock Exchange, and consequently although general dealings are somewhat restricted the tone for the shares of concerns likely to benefit in any way by a revival in trade keeps very firm.