25 MAY 1944, Page 14


SIR,—Thc writer of the letter under the above heading published in your issue of May 19th is about two years behind the times, as in the early part of 1942 there was a change of editorship of the Saturday Evening Pbst, and a complete change of policy. It is quite true that formerly this paper was strongly Isolationist and anti-British, frequently very unfairly so, but since the change the policy has been strongly in favour of collaboration with this country, and the British point of view has been given considerable prominence.

To compare the Saturday Evening Post as it is now with the Hearst, McCormick and Patterson groups is absolutely incorrect. It is also not true to say that this journal caters only for the prejudices of the Middle West mind ; it circulates throughout the whole of the United States and is extremely influential. Unfortunately, I missed the- article referred to by " Janus," so am not able to give an opinion on it—Yours truly,