26 NOVEMBER 1836, Page 2

The necessity of remodelling the French army occupies the at-

tention of Louis PHILIP. SOUL? IS in communication with the King; and so are THIERS and GERARP; Of course.their consul- tations have given rise to rumours of Ministerial changes, conse- quent upon the intended introduction of Som.? into the War De- partment. The bad treatment of the Orleans dynasty by the Empe- ror of Austria and the King of Naples, is said to have been designed by METTERNICH ; who upon hearing of his Neapolitan Majesty's intention to go to Paris in quest of a wife, invited him to Vienna, arranged that • he should marry the Archdatchess, and then sent him to Paris, where he played the lover to one of LOUIS Pinup's daughters. No doubt, this insult would annoy the King of the Barricades; but it would notois reported, influence his Spanish policy, which depends not upon personal pique. He will not be more ready to interfere actively for the Queen of Spain on account of a quarrel with MiarTERNicii. It is, however, certain that the Austrian Ambassador has recently had frequent and not very friendly interviews with Louts PHILIP: the subject of discus- sion, may be the occupation of Ancona by the French troops, which has always been disagreeable to Austria, but which the Moniteur officially announces is to be continued. The state of Italy gives uneasiness to the Austrian Cabinet.

Marshal CLAUSEL, whom the Duke DE NEMOURS accompanies, expected to be before the walls of Constantine, with a besieging army, on the 19th of this month. No doubt of the capture of the place is entertained ; for the return of the Duke DE NEMOURS, after the taking of Constantine, is announced for next month. It is said that the French Government intend to erect their African conquests into a "vice-kingdom," to be governed by a Prince of the blood.

-Louis BONAPARTE had not sailed from France ; the vessel which was to convey him having been detained, in order, it was supposed, that his mother might accompany him. CHATEAU- IIRIAND has become Governor of the Duke DE BORDEAUX, with a salary of 100,000 francs a year ; and has subscribed 100 francs towards a monument for ARMAND CARREL. The Archbishop of Paris has warned his clergy not to say masses for the soul of CHARLES the Tenth. The sentence of PoLIONAC has been com- muted to twenty years' banishment from France; hut M. GUER- NON DE RANVILLE will be allowed to reside on his estate of Ren- ville, on parole. Three persons of distinction were lately arrested on the frontiers of Italy. One of them is said to be Don MIGUEL; whose arrival at Nice had been previously announced.