26 NOVEMBER 1836, Page 8

The banking-house of Messrs. Connell, established in DM, at Car-

lisle, has stopped payment. Its liabilities are very limited, and the stoppage is therefore of little importance.—Courier. We announced in our last the intention of the Glasgow Banks to raise their interest and rates of discount. The official notification has since been issued. The banks of Edinburgh and Aberdeen have also resolved to charge 5 per cent, from the 18th instant, on all discounts and cash credits, and to allow 3 per cent. interest on all deposits after the 1st proximo. This step also will be felt in England, whence we believe a good deal of paper has found its way to Scotland.—Glasgow A rg . file Board of Trade has issued peremptory instructions to the In- spectors of Corn-returns to proceed forthwith against those persons who neglect to make regular weekly returns of corn bought by them, ac- cording to the Act. [This interference with the private business of individuals is one of the beauties of the Corn-laws.]

Mr. Hutt, M.P., has received a communication from Mr. J. D. Hume, Secretary to the Board of Trade, that the Government have made representations to the Danish Government against the " Sound- dues."..-Hull Paper. An extra number of the London Gazette was published on Wednes- day night, for the purpose of giving the required notices of railroads, canals, &c. The notices on this occasion occupy not fewer than fifty. six

A letter from Naples, dated the 8th instant, mentions that the bank there, though possessed of plenty of' gold, has lessened its discounts, and refused many bills which a few weeks back it would have been happy to receive.