26 NOVEMBER 1842, Page 10


On the 5th November, at Naples, the Lady of the Hon. Joust JOCTLYN, of a son. On the 10th, at Leicester, the Lady of the Rev. Jon a Baowx, Vicar of St. Mary's, Re., of a daughter. On the 12th, at Pentonville, the Wife of W. H. SHIM Esq., D.C.L., of a daughter. On the 17th. at Duke Street. Westminster, Mrs. D. B. REID, of a son.

On the 17th, at Gurnby Hall, Lekestershire, the Lady of T. B. BEALE, Esq., of a son. On the 20th, at the Cedars, East Sheen, Ludy Cnentorrx PENRHYN, of a daughter, still-born.

On the 29th. at the Vicarage House, East Brent, Somerselshire, the Hon. Mrs. Wth- wen TOWRY Lew, of a sou.


On the 29th ult., at Montreal. Canada, the Rev. Wittcloonsiv SEWELI , second son of the late Hon. Chief Justice Sewell, to Etrzearrn, third daughter of Major-General Durnford, Royal Engineers. On the 12th. at Maid's Moreton. Bucks. the Rev. W. J. CROCIEFORD of Addington, to HARRIET ANN, second daughter of the Rev. W. Fletcher, Rector of Foxcote, and of Moreton House, in the same county. On the 17th November. at Cott erstock, Commas. youngest son of the late Rev. Robert Linton. Esq. Vicar of Fotheringhay, of Candle, surgeon, to Louise REBECCA, youngest daughter of ihe late Joseph Rickett, Esq., of the same place. On the Fith, at St. George's Chapel, Stuuehuuse, Captain P. S. HARDLY, R.N., to Cenotuvr, second daughter of the late Lieutenant.C,.lonel Haute. On the 21st. at Alvestou, Gloucestershire, ELizenwrit ANNE, second daughter of Captain Timm R N., to CaFtaiu JOHN STYLE Nona's, Eleventh Infantry. and eldest son of John Francis Norris, Esq., late of the Home Deportment. On the S2d. at Kew, GEORGE DEAN PITT, Esq., Forty.eighth Regiment, eldest son of Colonel Pitt, to LOUISA, daughter of the late Sir Horace St. Paul, Batt.

On the kik!, at Croydon Church, Storey, RICHARD NEATE DUGOID BROWN, Esq., of SL-Alban Hall. Oxford, only suu of the late Colonel Alexander Brown, a the Hon, East India Company's Service. to MARY JANE LINDbAY, niece of Ralph Lindsay, Esq., P.S.A.. of the Rigel° Lodge, Ntrwood, Surrey. On the 29th, at St. George's. Camberwell, the Rev. Emma) Lud.sy, M.A., Miuister of the Episcopal Chapel, Peckham, Surrey, to LOUISA ANN, eldest. daughter of Lieut. Michael Elliott, R.N., of the Roy al Hospital. Greenwich.


On the 9th November, at the Vicarage, T■ &Region, the Rev. JOHN EDDY, M.A., Vicar of Tuddington and of Didlnutik, Gloucestershire, and Rector of Whaddon, Wiltshire; in his cOth year.

Ou the 10th, at his residence, Mount Ida, Dromore, Captain JOHN WATECN Hutu, of the East ludia Company's Service ; in his 50th year. . On the 17th, at his residence. at Netheiside Craveu, ALEXANDER NOV/ELL, Esq., or Wimple Street, and late ot Uuderley. ii, Westmureland ; in his 81st year. On the 19th, at his house, Devonshire Place, the Hou. MATTHEW FORTEI,CUE; in his 89th sear.

On 20th, at Devonpott. AGNES, the Wife of Captain G. F. Rich, R.N. Ob the 20.11, at her house, Cauenbuty Square, lsiingtuu, Mrs. ELEANOR DEANE, in her 91st year.

On the 21.t. in Park Place. St. James's, I.ieutenant General Sir JOHN WATERS, R.C.B..-&c.„Colouel of the Eighty-first Begimeut of Foot, in his 69.h year.

On the 21st, at Keusingtun Gravel Pits, Lady Cextrxerr, the Wife of Sir Augustus R.A,

On the tul at Sheriugton. Bucks, the Rev. ILHN PREZ-YUAN; in his 57th year.

On the kfell it. Lower Sey meet Street, Portman Square, ELIZABETH Lady MOWYYN. Wife ut the Right Hun. Lord Mostyn, in eer 71st year.