26 NOVEMBER 1859, Page 3


The Queers and the Princess Frederick William of Prussia have walked in the Home Park, and visited the Duchess of Kent at Frogmore. The Prince Consort, the. Prince Frederick William of Prussia, the Prince of Wales, and the Prince of Leiningen have been out.shooting together. The Queen and Prince Consort, the Prince and Princess Frederick William' have visited Queen Maxie Amelia at Claremont. Monday was kept as the anniversary of the birthday of the Princess -Frederick Wliliam. On Wednesday a brilliant company was invited to Windsor Castle, and in the: evening the first, dramatic performances of the season took. place. The pieces performed were The Evil Genius; by Mr. Bayle Bernard ; the.emmedietta, adapted from the French.by Mr. Tom Taylor, called To Oblige Benson.

The list of guests at. Windsor Castle includes the names of the Earl and Countess. of Clarendon; Earl St. Germans, Prince Edward Saxe Weimar, the Prussian Minister and Countess. Bernstorff, the Belgian Minister and Madame Van de Weyer, Earl Cowley, the Duke of-New- castle, the Earl and Countess of Derby, Lord and Lady Bloomfield,- Sir George andlady Theresa Lewis.

The Prince of Wales returned to Oxford on. Tuesday. The Prince Consort, the Prince and Princess Frederick-William visited London on Thursday.