26 NOVEMBER 1864, Page 24


The Small Hence at Ailington, by Anthony Trollope (Smith, Elder. and Co.) Lilian Gray, by Cash lts.ue ( Elder, and Co.) Litliehope Hall, by H. Lushington (Smith, Elder, and Co.) Goody Platte, by Thomas Miller (Samp- son Low, Son, and Co.) A Day's Ride, by Charles Lever (Chap- man and Hall) Beeeher's Sermons, Vol. L (J. Heaton and Sons.) The Children's Friend (Seeley and Co.) Nelly Deane, 2 yobs. (William Nimmo) 0)5 World and Young World, by John Helton (Milian:, P. Nimmo) Discussions on the Gospels. by Alex- ander Roberta (Macmillan end Co.) The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven, by F. D. Maurice (Macmillan and Co.) Ilia:raptly of the Brothers Davenport, by T L Nichols (Saunders, Otley, and Co.) Lyra Myelitis by G. Shipley (Long- man and Co.)

Notes on Errors of Geology, by John Kelly (Guttman and Ca)

Through Macedonia to the Albanian Lakes, by 51. A. Walker (Chapman and Hall)

Clamour d'Afrique, and other Tales, by Hugh Mullenues Walmsley (Chapman and Hall)

Kelly's Notices of Leicester, by William Kelly (John Russell Smith) Nablus and the Modern Samaritans, by Rev. John Mills (John Murray) • Parliamentary Government and Reform, by Earl Grey (John Murray)

Very Hard Times, by the Author of the Murdered Wife, de. (Henry Loa stud Co.) Holland on Composition ,Deeds (Henry Sweet)

Goldamith'a Traveller, by W. At'Leod (Longman and Co.) Reason's Revolt Against the Roweled (Austin and Cu.I The Jolly Boat., by Lieut. Warneford, 2 vole. (John Maxwell end Co.)

Singed Moths, by C. J. CAlins, 3 yeti. (John Maxwell and Co.) Illustrations of Bunyan's Pil •m's Progress, by F. J. Shields (Sluapkin, shall, and Cu.)