26 NOVEMBER 1887, Page 3

All Parnellite Ireland is rejoicing, for Mr. O'Brien is dressed

again. That gentleman refuses to wear prison clothes, and as he is in the infirmary, the Governor was unwilling to use force. His clothes were therefore taken away, and he was left to choose between remaining in bed, and wearing the prison uniform. A suit of tweeds was, however, introduced into his room, and on the Governor's next visit, he found his prisoner clothed, and, let us hope, also in his right mind. The Parnellites consider this a great triumph, and we are not altogether sorry that they do, the incident proving conclusively that semi-political prisoners in Ireland suffer no hardship. They are, in fact, treated very much like schoolboys in rebellion. The Americans are already laughing at the Parnellite notion of torture, and English sympathisers cannot deny that their friends behave very like children out of temper. Martyrs are generally worthy of respect ; but martyrs do not complain either of their diet, their clothing, or their books. It seems that Mr. O'Brien is only allowed religious literature, and finds the perusal of it an intolerable hardship. Perhaps he has stumbled upon the verse about removing neighbours' land-marks, and thinks it offensive.