26 NOVEMBER 1921, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Tour correspondent "Ulsterman," in your issue of November 12th, stated that Protestants in Ulster were one-third of the population of Ireland. The Protestants in all Ireland are 26.81 per cent.—or 26.14 (Hazell's Almanack, 1919, p. 447)—of Population, and in six counties called Ulster (for short) they are 18.7 per cent. I thought someone would have corrected the error this week.—I am, Sir, &c., C. Essex. 80 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin. [We willingly publish Mr. Eason's letter. But the point is that the Protestants of North-East 'Ulster form a vast and homogeneous majority in that area.—Ea. Spectator.]