26 NOVEMBER 1921, Page 3

We regret to record the death on Tuesday of Mr.

H. M. Hyndman, at the ago of seventy-nine. Ho was an ardent Socialist of the old-fashioned type, but he was also a man of culture and an ardent patriot. He travelled after he left Cambridge and saw a great deal of Mazzini and Garibaldi. He was one of the first English advocates of the Marxian theories, and he helped to revive the " International." But he distrusted the Germans who sought to control the. Socialist movement, and he was at last expelled from it .for calling attention to the German preparations for war against France and Great Britain. Mr. Hyndman was unquestionably sincere in his Socialist beliefs. but he must have found, long before his death, that it was impossible to work with the dangerous aliens who pulled the strings of the " International." He once remarked humorously that, though his hopes of a Socialist millennium had been blighted, the greatest disappointment of his life was, his failure to get his cricket Blue for Cambridge in 1864. Still, he played for Sussex.