26 NOVEMBER 1927, Page 11


No one should miss the marvellous "Movietone " pictures now showing at the New Gallery. I was utterly amazed at . the advances that have been made since I last heard a talking film, and I believe the general public will insist on seeing more of these beautiful and striking reproductions of " actuality." We see the American Ambassador in Rome explaining that diplomacy nowadays seeks to bring the peoples of the world in closer touch with one another and hear the words as they come from his_ lips. Then Signor Mussolini walks up in his riding clothes and stands close to the camera, a stern, sombre face with immense jaw. For some moments the man of _destiny does not speak : at last, unfolding a paper, he reads a declaration of amity between the American and Italian people • in 'his vibrant, emphatic tongue. Here are his 'very words, - spoken to us in London, in New York, allover the earth. The

' " Movietone " will •make history. • - -

A memorable and instructive evening was rounded off by Miss Dolores del Rio's new film, The Loves of Carmen. The plot may be conventional, but its heroine certainly is not. She is singularly beautiful on the screen, which in itself is something to attract the attention, for most " movie-queens " are too smothered in make-up to look attractive (in my eyes at any rate). Also she is a good actress; young and graceful.

F.• Y-B.