26 NOVEMBER 1927, Page 13


Correspondents who inquire about the paying, or rather, the evasion of tithe, discussed in this place last week, will find full information in a pamphlet (No. 27) issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. Though this little-known concession to tithe-payers was made as long ago as 1891, very little atten- tion has ever been paid to it. A sudden change has been noticed this autumn ; and the reason lies, not only in the publicity given to a particular case, but because of the very abrupt fall in the value of land. I am afraid to quote an estimate given to me of the extent of land in England that has fallen to an annual value little exceeding the amount of the tithe. If it is anything like accurate, the amount of tithes liable to remission is a sum of serious proportions. Such reduction or remission can be claimed only where the land is of an annual value not greater than two-thirds of the tithe rent charge.

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