26 NOVEMBER 1954, Page 18


SIR,—Pleasc allow me to correct a misappre- hension about the policy of Pick on the part of your reviewer, and to apologise if this seems to arise from some ambiguity of my own in the preface. I do not refuse to repeat the work of anyone who has appeared in a past Pick.' All I try to avoid is the repetition of authors' work two years running.

Your reviewer's slighting comment that ' perhaps the supply is running low' does not tally with my experience as editor of this series. Every year we receive an increasing amount of good quality work by new or unknown writers. Every year public interest

—and, happily, sales—seem to justify the

continuation of this pleasant and rewarding venture, which does, in fact, provide a modest opportunity for the young and unknown to mingle with the established. Your reviewer's dismissal of much of it as actively bad' IS a generalisation which does not dismay me in

the circumstances. I only want to make it clear that I am prepared to consider work by any contributor more than once but not to print work by the same people over and over again, which to me at least would become passively boring.—Yours faithfully,