26 NOVEMBER 2005, Page 22

Poor countries need tariffs

From Paul Collins

Sir: Contrary to your leading article (‘Full marks to Blair’, 19 November), ActionAid is absolutely correct to challenge Tony Blair’s commitment to forcing free trade in manufactured goods in the WTO ‘Doha round’ of global trade talks.

Labour’s general election manifesto promised no forced liberalisation, and the ‘Doha round’ is about development, not just market accesss.

Rather than lead to more jobs and less poverty, our research shows that the current proposals for deep tariff cuts in developing countries could bring massive job losses, bankruptcies and factory closures — a development disaster.

Virtually all of today’s developed countries built up their economies using tariffs, subsidies and other forms of government intervention throughout the 19th and most of the 20th century. Evidence shows that it is practically impossible for poor countries to develop without trade protection.

Paul Collins ActionAid UK, London N19