26 OCTOBER 1833, Page 6

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Mr. Mortimer Bayntun, brother of the late member for York city, has declined coming forward for the vacancy. The only candidate in the field, or likely to be, is Mr. Dundas.

The Representatives for the West Riding of Yorkshire and the borough of Leeds, Lord Morpeth, Mr. Strickland, Mr. John Mar- shall junior, and Mr. Macaulay, have accepted invitations given them to a public dinner at Leeds.

A public dinner was given to Sir William Ingilby, on Saturday last, at the George Inn, Caister, by his constituents in Lincolnshire, as a mark of approval and respect for his Parliamentary exertions during the past session.

A dinner was also recently given to Mr. Hall, M. P. for Mon- mouth, for the purpose of affording that gentleman an opportunity of entering into an explanation of his Parliamentary conduct; which he did to the satisfaction of his constituents.

From a correspondence which has been copied into some of the London papers from the Newcastle Press, it appears that some appre- hension was entertained by the Radical party in Gateshead, who have invited the Earl of Durham to a public dinner, that the compliment to his Lordship was to be converted into an expression of their approval of the conduct of Ministers. This was not intended or desired ; and it seems there was no real ground for their fears.

The Council of the Birmingham Political Union held a meeting on Tuesday last, at which it was mentioned that the mechanics of Bir- mingham were collecting funds in order to give effect to their endeavours to procure a repeal of the Assessed Taxes. The masons and carpen- ters had collected 1,1001. in one week. Mr. Boultbee said, in reference to a proposed union with the association in London, that the Council mild not legally do more than approve of the conduct of the inhabi- tants of London on the subject of the Assessed Taxes. Mr. T. Att- wood was certain that the people of Birmingham would assist them "by every legal means in their power." A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Carpenter, one of the editors of the True Sun, who made a speech in reply; and after some other business had been transacted, the Council adjourned for a fortnight.

During the early part of last week, a table belonging to Mr. John Doherty of Manchester, late editor of the Voice of the People, was seized for arrears of Assessed Taxes, which Mr. Doherty declined paying, on the ground that he had no vote. The sale was announced to take place on Monday morning at ten o'clock ; at which time some hundreds of people assembled before the public-house, next door to Mr. Doherty's, to which place the table was taken : however, an hour elapsed, and it was evident there was some difficulty. in procuring an auctioneer. • Notwithstanding the rain came down in torrents, the people did not manifest the least impatience. About twelve o'clock, Mr. Doherty addressed the people from his chamber window. He en- treated them to wait a little .longer, .and expressed his regret that he could not afford them all shelter from the rein.. The bailiff then in- formed Mr. Doherty, the sale would take:lace at three o'clock. Three o'clock came, but no sale ; and ultimately, at half-past five o'clock, the bailiff.gave up the table. The people then gave three cheers for Doherty, -procured a band of music, and took the table round the town is triumph.—True Sun.

Alderman Wright has been elected Mayor of Liverpool, .after -a mutest with Mr. Bold. The numbers at the close of the poll were

480-to .304. • A respectable farmer residing near Ickham had a small piece of hop- ground on which the parson of the parish levied tithe in kind. The

instead of employing the usual number of pickers, sets on three baskets only; the parson is obliged to employ a man to watch over his tenth. The process occupies several days, during which his reverence has to pay for an oast and men to dry the hops, at an expense very con- siderably exceeding the value of his tithe. This is certainly an excel lent mode to convert clergymen into repealers of the tithe law.-- Xaidslone Gazette.

A scheme is on foot to revive the defeated prosperity of Norwich, land to bring back the worsted stuff trade from Bradford to that town, 'by a London joint-stock company, to erect spinning-mills in Norwich ! When the company shall be able to transport the coal and iron mines from Bradford to Norwich, they may succeed in their project ; till that time, they might as well attempt to make water run up a hill, as to turn back the stream of trade from Yorkshire to Norfolk.—Leeds 2ifercury.

The Leeds Mercury represents the state of trade in Leeds, }Judders.: field, Bradford, Rochdale, and Halifax, to be generally good ; and in consequence of the decline in the price of raw cotton, the trade in the manufactures of that article has revived. The exports of cotton goods during the last three or four months, have declined from 20 to 25 per cent. in consequence of the very great rise in the price of the raw material.

The glove trade is partaking in that activity which is happily ob- servable in most of our great staple manufactures at this time. It is true that the demand is in some degree owing to the supply of goods being short, in consequence of a considerable number of the work- people having employed themselves in hop-picking and other country work ; but we cannot help hoping that the activity in this business will not be temnorary. Foreign skins of some descriptions have advanced from 71. to -10/. per 100.—Worcester Journal.

Mitch dissatisfaction prevails among the workmen employed in the Dock Yard at Sheerness, and other stations, in consequence of the late reduction of wages. A petition setting forth the hardships and priva- tions of this useful and meritorious class has been signed by upwards of one thousand artisans of Plymouth Yard ; in which it is stated, that,

after deductions for other indispensable outlays, 23d. per day remains out

of their wages for the subsistence of each individual in a family ! This petition was laid before the Board at the late visit of Inspection ; when the First Lord of the Admiralty made the following ungracious reply • —" That those who felt dissatisfied with the new arrangement, need not attend the muster, but might receive the amount of wages due to them, and be dismissed, as their places could be easily filled up ! " This is certainly very cavalier treatment for men who have toiled sometimes day and night, Sunday included, in the service of the country.—Kent Herald.

The Magistrates at the East Kent Sessions lately decided, in the case of the Earl of Guildford versus Mr. Henry Boys, his tenant, that

the new Game Act wasintended to apply only to leases granted subse- quently to the passing of the act ; and therefore, that where the tenant of a farm previously possessed under lease or special agreement the right of killing game on his land, the act did not deprive him of that privilege. There were about forty Magistrates present, and the ques:. tion was decided by a majority of only one.

On Friday week, a meeting was held at the Town Hal], Brighton, to adopt means for rebuilding the Anthreum at the western part of Brighton, which lately fell down. The Reverend Dr. Everard was in the chair. Mr. Philhps, one of the proprietors, proposed the following plan—to issue 1'20 silver tickets at .50/. each, bearing interest at .5 per cent., or single and family tickets of admission at given prices. Another gentleman said 10,000/. was required to build the Anthmum ; 120 silver tickets would produce 0,0001., and the remainder of the money was already in hand. A Committee was appointed to confer on the subject. The destruction of the Brighton chain pier has been ascribed to lightning, united with the force of a gale of wind ; but we understand that its tall had been for some time a matter of apprehension among scientific men, as there were obvious defects in its construction, and many of the fastenings had become loose from the effect of former gales. On Thursday week, a town meetine.a was held to take into con- sideration the best means of restoring it to its former state. The meeting was attended by a great many distinguished persons ; among whom were the Earl of Egremont, Sir Matthew Tierney, 8s.c. ; who expressed their regret at the accident, and signified their intention of doing their utmost to restore it to its pristine beauty. They thought, however, that before a subscription was entered into, it would be ad- visable to ascertain the probable amount of damage, in order to guide them in the sure necessary to subscribe. They spoke of the accident in terms of the deepest regret, and fully concurred in the object of the meeting. But the general feeling of the meeting was, that the inhabi- bitants had better strike while the iron was hot, as delay might damp their ardour; and an inhabitant suggested that a subscription be forth- with entered into. Mr. Wigney, M. P., fully concurred in the sugges- tion of an immediate subscription, and put down 101. Before the meeting separated, the subscriptions amounted to nearly 2001. A Com- mittee is appointed to collect subscriptions ; and it is hoped the pier will be restored in the course of a few months.

The damage done to this structure, since our last, has been tempo- rarily repaired, so far at least, as to enable the public to proceed with perfect safety, even in stormy weather, to the outer bead ; and this they are now permitted to do, as the barricade at the entrance of the first bridge is open. In the mean time, the first bridge remains nearly as it was immediately after the accident; the east side of the platform of the second bridge bas been lashed up, by means of link chains attached to the main chains of the.pier, to a level ; and some of the planks have been taken off, so that the beams of the bridge are left bare on the east side.; but on the west they remain, affording a gangway about five or .six feet wide. A .railing and posts have been lashed around the space where the planks are taken up. The greater part of the iron railing on each side of this bridge has been removed. On examination, we find that the iron plate which was supported sideways by the suspension-rods, was drawn afew inches from their last bearings on each side near the first towers. This plate is oxydized in only a very slight degree; indeed, the paint upon it

is still comparatively fresh. Close to the second tower, on the land side, a pile has recently been driven, reaching from the rock nearly to a level with the top of the west tower; no single pile of this length could, of course, be obtained, it is therefore scarfed about the middle ; and a few feet ;hove the platform a similar pile is about to be driven, it now lies on the bridge ready prepared. On the west side, and across • the top of these two piles, a beam will pass, so as to take the weight of the main chains. We imagine that similar piles and beams will be erected to the seaward of the tower, so that the weight of the main chains will rest upon these piles whilst the tower is adjusted. It is a very ingenious and clever operation.—Brighton Gazette.

Out of the.twenty-seven ships sent out from Hull, one has been wrecked, but without loss of lives : the rest have returned, and are re- turning, well laden ; and the quantity of oil produced from their car- goes is computed at no less than 4,500 tons, with a proportionably large stock of whalebone. The North-country ships have been equally -successful. The market will, therefore, be abundantly supplied with • oil and whalebone for the ensuing year.

The York Chronicle states that the Factory Commissioners are all barristers, " men who know no more of factories than of the mountains in the moon."

Mr. Gibson and Mr. Field, two Dissenting Ministers lately seceded from the Dissenters, who have been seeking for Episcopal ordination from the Bishop of Exeter, have met with a refusal from his Lordship.

• —Western Times.

The Reverend George Osborne Townshend, M.A., Fellow of King's College, was on Sunday last outlawed, in the usual form, in the church of St. Edward, in this town.—Cambridge Chronicle.

The sentence of imprisonment on Mr. John Nicholls Tom, who calls himself Sir William Courtenay, expired last week, and he is now a convict under sentence of transportation for seven years. His wife, Mrs. Tom, has received an intimation from the Home Office, stating that the evidence and certificates adduced of his insanity have been considered sufficient to warrant his removal to a lunatic asylum, instead of his being consigned with convicted felons to the Colonies. The expense of his maintenance must, however, fall on his friends. The unfortunate person still continues under the same delusion as to his title, &c.—Maidstone Gazette.

The Leicester mail, on returning to Stamford on Tuesday week, met with a frightful accident at the village of Whitwell, at a place where the road is steep and narrow. The coachman had passed one waggon ; and in pulling the horses straight, came in contact with an- other waggon, which on account of the darkness he did not see. In consequence of this, the coachman was thrown from the box. The leaders disengaged themselves away from the pole, and the wheelers took the coach on to Stamford, a distance of seven miles, at a fearful rate, till they reached the town. On turning Scotgate, the coach met the York Express in dreadful contact ; by which two horses, one be- longing to each coach, were killed on the spot, and two others so maimed that it is supposed they must be shot. The pole of the mail passed through the foot board of the box of the Express, between the coachman and a gentleman seated by his side, without doing either of them any injury. We are happy to add to this account, that no person was in the slightest degree hurt, except the coachman, who was first thrown off. The wheels passed over his shoulder, and he is much bruised, but is in no danger.—iVerthampton Herald.

A highway robbery was committed, on Monday evening, upon a Po- lish nobleman, Count Alexander Sziidinsky. The Count was stopped on .Harbledown Hill, near Canterbury, by three men, who robbed him of a French cavalry uniform coat, a silk waistcoat, a pair of braces, a silver-mounted Meerschaum pipe, and 32s. in silver.

Mr. Richard Hayward, of Manningford Abbots, near Pensey, Wilts, on returning home from Marlborough Market on Saturday evening, was attacked near Grantham, by five men, who knocked him off his horse, and afterwards robbed him of his watch and appendages, together with notes to the amount of 2051. of the bank of Locke, Hughes, and Co., Devizes. A reward of 501. has been offered for the apprehension of the offenders.

On Tuesday night or early the followinaa morning, some persons broke into the dwellinghouse of Me. Scott, the bailiff of Lord Mon. -tague, at Ditton, Berks, and attempted in two different places to set it on fire, by means of a quantity of gunpowder taken from a tin box found in one of the rooms. One dozen and a half of silk handker- chiefs were taken from the drawers, many-of which were ransacked and their contents thrown about the room.

Mr. James Wilkinson, a cotton• spinner, residing at Longdendale in Cheshire, was fired at with a gun or pistol-ball, in the neighbourhood of his house, on the evening of Tuesday the 15th instant. A reward of 400/. is offered, and a pardon to any one except the actual offender, who shall give sufficient evidence to bring the assassin to justice.

An inquest was on Monday last held before Mr. W. Adye, on the body of Thomas Godwin, a boy only ten years of age, who was found hanging by the neck to the branch of an oak-tree in the parish of Kingswood, a day or two previously. It appeared by the evidence of a little boy, five years old, that he accompanied the deceased into the fields to collect firewood and mushrooms, and that the deceased took a . small cord with him. After they had been out sonic time, deceased .said that if .he could not find another mushroom, he would hang him- self; and being unsuccessful, he got upon the child's shoulders, fastened the cord ronnd his neck, and, tying it to-the branch of a tree, .swung himself off. The child ran for assistance, but before any could .be.procured, Godwin was a corpse. Verdict, " That he hung himself not expecting it would kill him."—Hampshire Advertiser.

Edwin Belcher, aged about eleven, was shot at Ensham, on Tuesday 'week, by another lad, Charles Buckingham, about sixteen. They were both in the employ of Mr. R. Bowerman ; and from the evidence given on the inquest, Buckingham had often been heard to threaten the life of Belcher. On Tuesday, he was sent home with his master's gun ;

and in passing where Belcher was keeping pigs, when within four or man ; and many God-fearing young ladies have given in their adherence five yards, he deliberately shot him. The charge entered the thigh, with the most laudable zeal. We have not heard that there has been and the poor lad lingered but a few hours. An inquest was held, and as yet any striking external manifestation; but as the reverend initn a verdict of " Wilful murder" was returned against Buckingham. He aforesaid labours earnestly, and as strong premonitory symptoms, such

has-since absconded.—Oxford Herald. ' - as groanings and the like, have been observed, we have little doubt that A few nights ago, between eleven and twelve, a fire, supposed torbe the work of incendiaries, occurred at a farm-house, called Holme End, about a mile and a half westward of Pinner. A stack of wheat which stood beside a shed containing a large quantity of barley and oats, was first discovered on fire : the flames soon reached the shed, and in about a quarter of an hour the whole was in one blaze. Had the wind been in a contrary direction, the dwellinghouse, which stood but a few yards from the shed, must likewise have fallen. The premises, which are in the occupation of Mr. Edward Fletcher, were insured, but not the stock.