26 OCTOBER 1844, Page 10


Avererven.—At Gravesend, 20th October. Cremona, Bailey ; and Wm. Stoveld. Da, widsou, from Sydney. 21st. Dalmartiock, Johnston, from Singapore ; and Isabella Watson, M Donald, from Calcutta. Off the Start, 22d, John Fleming, Clark, from Calcutta. At Liverpool, 2011i, Pr■ncess Royal, Reid, from Calcutta ; and Edward. Cuth. bertsou, from Bombay ; and 21st. Philopuntos, Bell, from Ditto. At St. Helena, Wm. Mitchell, Meet/widen ; and Palmyra. Campbell, from China ; Mary Aun, Marshall, from Singapore; Royal Tar, Bell, from Batavia ; ludas. Taylor, from Calcutm ; Amity. Wrightson. from Bombay; and Galatea, Owen, from the Cape.

SAILED. —From Gravesend, 23d Oct. Emerald Isle. Curling, for Madras; and Brothers. Reed, for Ceylon. From Liverpool, 20th, The Duke, Bissett; and Scotia, Robinson. for Calcutta; and Isabella and Ann, Main, for Madras; 21st, Velure, Bell, for t Mint ; Isabell. Gray; and Median., James, for siugapore: 22d. Thomas Worthing-, ton, Valentine, for China; and Carib, Heaton, for Singapore; 24th. Adriana, Dodd, for Calcutta; Limin, Gillman ; and Dorisaua, Blytb, for Bombay. From Greenock, 17th, Glasgow, Hildreth, for Madras; 18th, Persian, Edingt,u. for Ceylon; 19th, Mount Stewart Elphinstone, Pook, for Bombay; end 20th, Ler-Lida, Soul lay, for ditto.