26 OCTOBER 1844, Page 8


On the 17th October, at Dowlais House. Lady Cnanr.orrs Ginn, of a daughter:.

Ou the 18th, the Countess of SANDWICH, of a son.

On the 18th, the Countess of Ceicrixersa, of a son.

On the 113:11, at Gunton Park, Norfolk, the Hon. Mrs. SANDERsON, of a son.

On the 20th. at Mallen, Lady BLACSETT, of a daughter.

On the 21st, at Southampton, the Wife of Commander A. L. MoreracomEar, R.N., or a daughter.

On the 12d, in South Street, Park Lane, the Lady KILMAINE, of a son,

On the 233, the Lady of the Rev. Dr. MORTIMER, Head-Master of the City of London, School, of a son.

On the 24th, at the Lord Chief Baron's, at Hatton, Lady POLLOCK, of a son.


On the 16th May. at Richmond, New South Wales, LEWIS Dtrwent Wurraxxa, Esq.; Justice of the Peace, son of Edmund Whitaker, Esq.. late of Hampton, °sou, to RE- BECCA, youngest daughter of WILLIAM Cox, Esq., of Elobartville House, Justice of the Peace, and Wardell of the district.

On the 15th October. at Castletown-Delvine Church, Colonel ARTHUR, of the Third (Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards, to Miss KATE FETHERETONK, daughter of Mr. and Lady Eleanor Fetherstone, aud niece to the Earl of Wicklow. On tile 15th, at Killarney, S. HUNTER CHRISTIE, Esq., Secretary to the Royal Society-, Professor of Mathematics in the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich Common, to MAR..- GARET ELLEN, daughter of the late JAMES MAHONE, Esq.. of Killarney.

On the 16th. at Hampton Bishop, Herefordshire, the Rev. Eoweao C. EVANS, InCIII11■- bent of Ilopeunder-Dinmore, youugest sou of Edward Evans, Esq., of Eyton Herefordsbil e, to FRANCES MARY, eldest daughter of the late Captain Sir JOHN S. PET. vox. R.N., K.C.H.

On the 17th, at Kencot. Oxfordshire, the tier. Amnia NEATE, Rector of Alvescot, in the S111110 ecuuty. to ELEANOR. eldest daughter of the late RICHARD BURNABY, Esq., aud niece of Sir William Burnaby. Rant. On the 19th, at the Chapel of the French Embassy, George Street, Portman Square, the Baron HENRY BLAZE DE BURY, IO MARIE PAULINE ROSE STUART, daughter or Wil- liam Stuart, Esq., late of °ban, Argyllshire. Oath, 22d, at Walcot Church, Bath, Colonel Sir RICHARD ENGLAND, K.C.B., Com- manding the Forty-first Regiment, to THEODOSIA, daughter of R. FI/UNTAYNE Wnsore, E:q., of Melton, &c.' Yorkshire. On the 23d, at St. George's. Hanover Square, Captain the Hon. ROBERT EDWARD Hosts. Coldstream Guards, second earthing sun of the Earl of COBB and ORRERY. to GEORGIANA. youngest daughter of AISRARAM WILDEY ROBARTS, Esq., Hill Street, Berkeley Square.

On the 233, at Baylon. the Rev. MARK GARYIT, Rector of Stretton, Rutlandshire, to Issmcm.s MARY, youngest daughter of Ggoaos Ricemnis DENSHIRE, Esq., of Thetford House, Lincolnshire. On the 24t1,, at St. Mary's, Paddington, the Rev. enemas EDWARD Gear, M.A.. of Brasenose College, Oxford, to ADELINE GERALDINE, daughter of Sir HERBERT COMP- TON, of Hyde Park Gardens.


In September, at St. Anne's, Canada, WILLIAM Amman HALE, Esq., late Captain in. the Fifty-second Light Infantry. On the 9th October, at Brussels, ANNE, the Wife of CHARLES F. ALDER, ESII, Og Cosham Lodge, Hants.

On the 10th, at Edinburgh, JOHN SHEDDEN PATRICK, Esq., of Ilessilhead, F.R.S.E. ; in his 38th year. Ou the 16th, at Harrogate. EDWARD Eassrus Deacon, Esq., of the Inner Temple, Barrister at Law, and of Michael's Grove, Bromptou ' • iu his tiOth year.

On the 18th, at the Gloucester Hotel, Brighton, Colonel WILLIAM SPEARMAN ; in his. 69th year. On the 20th, at Gravesend, MANY ELISABETH. Wife of Major•Geueral CSIARLEIR PALMER, many years Member of Parliament for MIS City of Bath ; in her 60th year.

Ou the 20th. in Tasistock Place, Russell Square, Mr. Gunton lioaucasms, of the Theatre Royal Drury Lane ; in his 45th year.

On the 21st, at Woolwich, Captain Loins ETRE THOMSON, Royal Marines ; in bia 59th year.