26 OCTOBER 1878, Page 14


SIR,—The last paragraph of Mr. Layman's letter suggests a charge against the Bishop of Carlisle of having changed his opinion on the legality of the Eucharistic " vestments," by reason of his elevation to the Episcopate.

For any one who has, even a few times, seen Bishop Goodwin, and heard him speak, I should think that the manliness so specially showing itself through his whole manner would be sufficient to prevent such a suspicion from entering one's head. But others may as well be told that his Lordship's reply, to which Mr. Lay- man alludes, did itself mention reasons abundantly sufficient to allow of a genuine change of opinion. The Bishop said (I find from the Guardian's report) that he had formed his former opinion, and written the book, five - and - twenty years ago. " He had had opportunity since that time to go into the question very carefully. He had gone into it as a member of the Ritual Commission, and he had gone into it as Chairman of the Ritual Committee of the Convo- cation of Canterbury." These occasions were, of course, pre- vious to his elevation to the Episcopate. " He had gone into the subject in the most careful and thoughtful way which had been possible for him, and the result had been that he had changed his views." However " considerable " the immediate " sensa- tion " caused by Mr. Layman's reading the extract from the Bishop's book, the Bishop's reply was received with " loud cheers," perhaps not the least loud coming from many who either think the vestments legal or wish they were so, but yet will not needlessly think ill even of a Bishop.—I am, Sir, &c., TH.