26 SEPTEMBER 1829, Page 14



A Topographical and Historical Account of Wainfleet and the Wapentake of Candle-

shoe, in the County of Lincoln—Tim st.cond part of the Imperial School Grammar, with the new system of parsim—Historical Memoirs of the Church and Court of Rome, from the Establishment of Christianity under Constantine to the present period, is an- nounced by the Rev. II. C. O'Dontioglme, A. H. St. John's College, Cambridge. And also, by the same Author, the Peculiar Doctrines of the Church of Rome, as contained exclusively in her own Conciliar Decrees and Pontifical Bulls, examined and disproved —A volume of Sermons, by the Bishop of London, is nearly ready for publication— Mr. Jennings is preparimr for publication in second volume of tire Topography, Edifices, and Ornaments of Pompeii, by Sir William Gell ; containing an account of the excava- tions since the former volume —The first volume of Sir Walter Scott's History of Scotland, in two volumes, will be published on the alst of October—Hazlitt's Life of Napoleon, the two last volumes of which have been delayed by various circumstances, is about to be published in a completed statc--The Rev. Mr. Dyer is engaged in finishing the Life of Shirley, for the new edition of his Works, edited by tire late 51r. Gifford, and printed off many years ago—Dr. Arnott's Elements of Physics, or Natural Philosophy, will be completed by the publication of the second volume ; of which the first half, com- prehending the subjects of Heat and Light, with a copious account of the important and the beautiful phenomena which range under these heads, is to appear early in oetuber. It will be accompanied by a fourth edition of Vol. 1., in which the true nature of the com- mon defect in speech, called Stutter' lig, or .Stammering, is exposed—The Like' of Romney the Painter is to be ready about Marell next—A New Juvenile Annual, to be called the

Zoological Keepsake, treating its zoological topics in a light conversational manner, varied by anecdotes and a share of humorous poetry and description, is announced.


Wilmot Warwick, Vol. II. Svo. 9s. lids.—Tire Garden of Surrey, or Sketches of Dork- ing, 12mo. 4s. buts.—Historical Recollections of Henry Monmouth, 12mo. 5s. lids.- Palmer's Illustrations of Medicine, Soo. 10s. bds.—Bates on Inflammation, Sem 3s. bits. —Davies on Greek Versification, 12mo. 2s. 6d. sewed—Petersdorf's Reports, Vol. XI. royal Svo. It. 1Is. 6d. tais.—Pulpit, Vol. II.3vo.8s. hds.—Prineipal Events in the History Of Ireland, 18mo. as. 6d. hf.-bd.

Most of the Umtata for tam cusairig Cluistioaa ban Weed to diacoutious the

dicious vulgarity of sending out what are called shout-boards, i. e. specimens of meir plates on pasteboard, such as were last year so common in every bookseller's shop throughout the country—and nbt always in booksellers' shops.