26 SEPTEMBER 1835, Page 5

An extraordinary and mysterious2cese is related in some of the

Dublin papers, of a young woman, liar: .1 Margaret Fehis, who, if the account is true, has been treated by eertein persoos in authority in a most inhuman inanner. The nereent etates that the unfortunate victim was imprisoned in Wexford Gaol four months ; and, after being convicted as a vagrant, removed to Kilinainham, for the purpose of transportation to New South Wales ; the whole of precaution commeoced end carried on merely beealise she bud aiscidentally witneseed the ro!,'.--ty of a school-he:tau by some per It \rho turned out to be r •' e • • ;. the kept mistreo. of a ieetiin nveroul JOStiCiT of

the Periem—th 'y man and 1 h ee moor t: 1'; considering that the

best way to se. T pint Coy only v..: tric;s:5 to the art of tha ()et of the woe. The ease cannot rest het-c.a.., Northern