26 SEPTEMBER 1835, Page 5

The Orangemen arc in a perfect fury on account of

Lord Mulgrave's refusal to sanction the election of Mr. R. Deane to the Mayoralty of Cork, as well as the election of Sheriffs for that city. It appears that the gentlemen in question are Orareseiren; the Mayor, indeed, is the Master of an Orange Lodge ; and trtis is their great recommendation to the Cork Corporation, hat Lord Mulgrave seems to think it a suf- ficient disqualification for the magisterial office.

A deputation of gentlemen from Belfast waited on Mr. O'Connell at Edinburgh to request that hr. tvould appoint a day for dining with the Reformers of Oct city; hut Mr. O'Connell declined the inyttal ion for the reasons assiomed in tic following, note to the fleputation. After expressing his gratitude for the honour intended him, Mr. O'Connell says- ., Upon full consideration, however, I do beg leave, most respectfully to de- cline :he honutrr proposed to me. It is no proof of my not appreciating the invitation, that I am convinced that at the prraeat 1110:EuUT I ought ta decline to accept of it. I do so with respect to the thviters, rind with great regret on any own account. But I must not allow myself to be tempted to attend the dinner, much as I desire to do so; because the state of party -feeling in your town and province is such,—the spirit el Orangeism is no much infused in a portion of the Protestant community,—that, in spite of all we could do„ this festival would be looked upon as originating in party motives, as dedicated to a jubilation over or against the Orange faction ; and we, who would meet only to celebrate the trautophs already achieved, and to proclaim the Lopes of the peaceable and constitutional Reformers, would be looked upon as congregated rather to insult the opinions of others, than to asset t our own."

The Dungarvan election terminated on Monday, in the election of Mr. Oleoughlen' Attorney-General, by it majority of 135; the exact numbers polled by each candidate are not given. Mr. W. Villiers Stuart was elected for the county of IT.'itterford, ott nlonday, without opposition. Mr. Stuart is a firm Liberal.

A petition has been duly lodged against the return of Mr. Dunbar for the borough of Belfast.

The Limerick Chronicle states, that mr. Maurice O'Connell, Member for Thrice, will start for the county of' Limerick at the next election.

Mr. Shell has deemed it prudent to address a letter to the freeholders of the county of Tipperary, urging them to register without delay, "as there is a likelihood of a dissolution of Parliameot taking place next year."