26 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 10


s;;,;;•. 1.XC•IANGE,14:711.1Y AFT,KRSN.N.

There luis not Leen touch fluctuation io tl.e English Finals this week: though the priee• it to-day and 31tank,■• exhibit a daerence of 1 IS per cent. The I cmlem.y of the market has been gratitn:Ily and steadily downy. ard ; and the eo• ceiale,,le from 861 to 87s;;i. has been prialueril without any very extra:41 0 kik:I:16(1.s. As has usually been the va.o.,, the market 11113 been eh:city go% en:ea hy the fluctuations of the l'aris exchange ; though, as the 111:lavour:0.1,...•1.itk: of the weather lists interrupted the regularity of the pigeon. eXPTC,1.5, ,11:.011!:110t'S who usually recede(' them liaxe not ttettAl lareely. Con Ails .keeot,a,t, which were 011 allonday at declined, nithout'any transaction, it ie. portance, to CSI, the op,.t.ing pace 01. morning; hut a sale ut. It t■,01,0/. by one of the lare.leers tootally r su,,'1-i it 'v the Jeii parte " produci .1 a decline, and the ehrsing pt toe 0 as ,-..,. A report pre- vail:AI vvs:erday that a Iltursian fleet of eightlAll ,=:1.11 Or the line seen MI Di al ott its nay through the Straits of Dover to the 31 editerrancatt ; but this news, 'Ton inquiry, has been found untrue. opet.ing price at Consols ctir AlTlfillit was this morning :I- 7F; and alter heing at Fi74, the price hits toFT., and closes at biq, 'Ile improvement traced to it lettiT irimi thie,sa, dated Ilth 1....teptentLer, stating that the silo- pate the Pasha and the Porte has been taljusted. In the course IA the vt vele, :`■r Tlirce-tuot-a-balf per C'ents. have byen tst,,- and. are to-day 116. India Stue:e 1,...11 once quated at 2.16 ; and titee'k at lfi;!:, and 166?,, Exaelilier nil, Lave Leen at Fs. pron. Saaill bills s,ent in demand, mai Lave t,,. ii raLle sot. q1;ot1t1 from 8s. to lal. ridoitif,:: large bills are heavy, are to...lay..", 1•. 75 ; while small are 7s. tu 9s. pteiLitim. The sta1e o: the 11syliatagc5 to att s set at Luton. For the last I,,',, or three t e been and :lie 1:mv aS lots as wile.) tla 11.11i10 li.rge operation last year. The stock of bullion oh band Id', 0, .t much than it was tit th,t period ; the average sit the lad ; to it:uptentlicr 1540-1,eing id,13:1.1•911/., while for the. corevsg. : , V1:61. it only amount, d to 2,;.: 1 6,t3.10/. It is feared. that 11.0 1; .t Dire( ters heLin to net uptl the currency ; and repents are again an intendcil sale of the 'teat! Vu e have no dottla thttt 11., t,tt. ice'nil,: rumours, Ilioney r, Letting sotto!, and the rate er t.: t...m.t 1, :-, per cent. 1 1, e •.- .h. the sudden death oi' llatomainsor.y, the only bur- y: .. . rota.: r f :he sun-known hal:king-house of IL\ 31111:11:-I.EY and Co.. Pall 31..11, th.tt. -•-.1,11..1.1ta. tit Las been comp...Pod to ,ii,petitt its business until to necessary m.r.,■,..--.1.,,ents can he ronmiettel to enable the exeuntor or admi- t. istr,..t.,5 s.f t de,,,,,setl to act. 'flay inconvetlionee thus tweasionvel et ill he !.•,,1 it t 1,1:,;(1111:11tly 1111i111110).18111 to 61; etortoloofs ii do' I. . • ". has, Loma:Nur, Is nit in the eustou1 gnotting to CoLt:,ti.ittal travelle:, os 1i:diddles under this the pri.s.i.1 ,ilspen,iiiti id it, : :oh id to Il.e of :doll let is of credit, as the to- ' ,it Ito: Liaise will oot of cout:,..: houour them until they 31, - I t. writsTit ton gave notice that they were %tilling ti,, to code:let et ith the litigian (;• tiale ci litu,-ek have, Lower( r, uttered better

-- 3 per Cent. Console 881 Pitto for Account 8S1 i 3 per Cent. Reduced shut 31 per Cent. Ditto shalt New 31 per Cents. # Bank Stock slant ESelteoner Bills ..... 5 7 pm. India Stock 2-16 7 Brazilian 5 per Clnits 77 9 Belkian 5 per Cents. 77 9 Coltunhian 6 per Cents "21 3 Danish 3 per Cents 77 9 l'hatch 21 per Cents 5,11 Portuguese Regency S per Cis. 321 / Ditto 3 per Cents 211 ! Russian 5 per Cents 110 II. Spanish (Active) 23; 1