26 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 2


duct in the dispute between the House of Commons and theSheriffsoief London. All the members and officers of' the Court stood during th presentation.


The Chairman of time City Lands Committee having brought up u report relative to the fittings-up of Guildhall on the day of the presen- tation of the freedom of the City to Prince Albert, Mr. Stevens took occasion to ask the reason why the Prince had declined the invitutien to dinner, after first accepting it—was it because her Majesty's Ministers bad not been invited? The Lord Mayor said, the reason assigned by his Royal Highness for declining, was the expected decease of the Princess Augusta. He at the same time informed Mr. Stevens, that lie did not invite her 3Isjesty's Ministers on that day, for it would be re- collected when the Queen's 31inisters dined with him and the Sheriffs at the Guildhall what sort of reception they met with : lie did not wish for a repetition of any thing of' that kind.

A stir leis been made in the City this week by a written declaration put forth by some of the Liverymen of London, of their intention to oppose the election of Alderman Harmer as Lord Mayor, on account of' his connexion with the 1Vcekly Dispatch newspaper.

" The paper in qaestion," says the dechu.ation, " cam only be appropriately

described as at hi blic nnisancs, and that of the most fearful character. It is a nuisauce, not as opposiog Whig government: or Tory government, but all go. vernment ehatever ; is a nuisance, not as advocating any particular view of the constitution, but as ridiculing alike all systems and all views, and. plainly counselliag anateby and confusion ; it is a nuisance, ant as opposing the Church or as prele:Ilo,a Dissent, hut as seething at all kinds and forms of reli- gion whatever. It has personally insulted the ::;■,vereigtt and her Consort ; it has broadly and repeatedly recommended the overthrow of the monarchy; it has extelljd and encouraged every instance of rebellion; and it has constantly and deliberately reviled the Christian faith and its professors of every class and denomination, mid given the:preference to Infidels:mil blasphemers of every de- scription. Seel) is the publication of' which Air. Harmer as a chief proprietor; and such has itratiothrough a series of years. In this course of conduct don 31r. Benner maintain it ; and so doing, he utterly and unquestionably dissus. lilies himself; in our view, fur holding the office of' Chiet Magistrate of this city."

Having made these broad accusations, the "declaration" proceeds to justify them by giving extracts from the paper itself. The following are some of die specimens selected-

" The Queen is badly advised in appealing to the gnoil sense of the people; for, it' they exercised their good sense, a throne wonld not exist for three mantle in this country."—STtember I, 1839. "This abstract, monstrous absurdity of Royalty, can no longer be cote ccaled from the pehlie mind." " To mile Royalty any longer respectable, is out atilt) ques•esn but to render it for a short time hanger eadurahle, it is necessary for all these impositions to be instantly abolished."—./Voresther 12, 1837. 'it is absolute nonsense to coneeel the fact, that the absurd principles of the British const:tat in can no longer lie brought halo action, if they were ever made, to act at ill.The idea of' three independent, coequal, and hostile branches of the is absolute nonsense.' —DI:ember " lii ttl. cotit,tries ayalty is the same—a nntss offolly,falsehood, and feast, ma:I:alined at an onoaooas expense, much to the disgrace as well as to the in- jury of the peopie."--'41d,:m"kar 15, 1839. We lane always maim:M.0 that insurrection or rebellion is inherently a ri;lat posses-eat iv ti.: people. Resistance to autliorit to and even an armed resistance, ii ate I, the first and most sacred duty of a citizen : it is, however, a desperate rettn.,!y, and never to be resorted to but upon probabilities of sue- r 0, 1839. " Protesta.disan, Catholicism, Methodism, or :my other ism, is only a cant terra to facilitate ihe impositions upou the mind, and wilkh impositions are always tricks to arrive at the breeches-pocket."— Sr ph,Arr 1, 1839. " Whatever 11%,::4 ReVOhlt1011111aV teach, the Christians are invariably found to be among the most immoral of human beings. The moral virtues increase upon receding from the Christian, and approaehing Mohammedan countries. An Europem 110C a art 1127Alle in India a year without hecotnine am Infidel. He sees the had:els seperior morals and manners, habits and cu'stoms, of the na- tives ; he begit,s t., reflect upon different faiths; lie generalizes his ideas, and vely "tow: 'of no faith at all. An Eogii.diman in India abvsys ob- serves, ' that I alit is not in want of Christiaeitse but that Europe is terribly in want of' " The declaration lets received numerous signatures. Alderman Harmer has a::hee published an address to the Aldermen, Common

Council. and cry, in which he endeavours to rebut the charges. Ile profbsses to be a warns friend to the Church, the Throne, the

latvs and hot:: et ions of the country. Ile disclaims the notion of, being held respensil,le fur what appears in the Dispatch, as he is only part proprietor ; and the opinions there expressed, he says, are only set forth for discu.sion. In the mean time, his fsimels have thought it ne- cessary to exert ihemselves ; and al meeting of them was held last night to adopt all requisite means for securing Ins election.

Mr. Alder:man Pi who is much respected in the City, will be put

iii nonlinatios. ie conjunction with Mr. Alder:eau Thomas Johnson, On Michaelmas Day most, fur the Mayoraity for the ensuing year.—

Stentien 11,

The Sheriffs' slimier, on die morrsov of 'Michaelmas Day, is postponed in consequelice of the death of the Princees A ngnsta.