26 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 4

At the weekly meeting of the Repeal Association, on iMonday,

two letters front Mr. O'Connell were read. One of them was to Dr. Blake. Bishop of Dromore, in reply to a letter recently sent by him to Mr. O'Connell : the other was to the Secretary of the Association. The former letter concluded thus-

' I cannot conclude this letter without appealing by its means to the Pre-

testants of Ireland to dismiss foolish fears, idle jealousies, past animosities, and riresent prcjudices, and to rally indiscriniaately tvith their Catholic fellow country elell for the pixtee prosperity, and constitutional freedom of their native land. Why, :et should the love of fatherland, the ennobling attaehment to the lend of their birth, the exalting impulses of liberty, he banished from their hearts and affections: Are they not Irishmen as well as we are? Is not Ireland their country as well as ours? Why should not their country- once ;main take its station amongst the nations of the earth? Why should they ancitheir country be depressed mid left I ii the attitude of it grovel- ling ii&riority ? You, my loved Lord, rind men like you, prove the safety, the security, the integrity of our struggle. You prove that in a contest which you coo: tamuce Geri: can he indhing of force or violence, of injustice or in- jury ; that no property will be injuxxl—no life sacrificed. Innocent and holy is our strife. It is for the protection and prosi.crity of Ireland, to extinguish grinding oppression, to banish withering poverty, to increase main:ft:etude,' Industry, to extend comtnerri,t1 notivity rind wealth, and to promote agrietg lurch interests, to give to Irishmen a country' and to Ireland a name amongst nations, to spreA abundance and comfort amongst. her people, and to crown them with prusprity and constitutional freedom. Hurrah for Repeal! " I have the honour to he, my beloved and most respected Lord, your most faithful and obedient humble servant, DANIEL O'CoNsimm."

The letter to the Secretary contained these passages, in reference to the livery of the Repeal Association, and to Mr. O'Connell's future movements-

" I enclose you the e!...iths. I choose, the gray for frocks, and the mixed for

pantaloons and waistcir.ts. I choose the gray cloth as being most like the gray frcize of' this country. Let Tom Atkins make two stilts for me of these, so soon as the cloth can be woven. There should be a velvet collar to each frock, to encourag., as fir as the poverty of the country will permit, that branch of Irish .....nufacture. Nothing can he more cheering than the ac- counts that I last lye from all quarters of the popular enthusiasm in favour of Repeal. I do not know whether I aua right in calling it enthusiasm, heranse it is rather the fixed and calm send went of nationnl dignity. The conviction which the flouse of Commons on Stanley's Bill, and the House of Lords oa every. hill relative to Ireland, have infixed on every mind of the utter impos- sibility. of obtaining any salutary legislation for Ireland from the Imperini Par- liament, drives the most reluctant in embarking in agitation into that of the Reored. * * * 1 attend a charity-dinner at Cork and a Repeal dinner in Li, trick in the firt wrek in October. I will attend a meeting of the A350. eiciticin on Sat viol the lilt Ii of October, and lat at Drogheda on Monday the le:11. This provi,,..e111 iiftsting will tilts place at Kilkenny on this 14t hi. I intend to spund the re,t of October in Dublin, and make arrangements fur the Munster provincial cieeting, so as to carry its effects fresh into Parliament. I have no whatever, 'that, unless there he a war, Stanley will carry his Irish franehise-extinetion hill into a law. If there be a war, he will not he marl cooled' to try; lint others who now support hiin will have more common sense than to perses',.M: in ease of war. It is melancholy to perceive that Ire- land kis thus an intc.rest in the misfortUlle6 Or the country."

In the subsequent speechifications, :Mr. Mooney alluded to the pre- sence of n mooed holy of Policemen at a Repeal meeting held on the previous day at Taliaght. He denounced st ch an exhibition of armed

three at tt me@ting as liner:institution:1. Ile said he came there to complain of it, as it would be useless to HE he any representation Ott the suhject to Lord Eirrington. reJohn Ociseedl Was of opinion there was nothing uncon,.litu- tional in the pi:cm:nee of' an armed force at a public meeting, so long at they nil me interfere with the meeting.

The l'el;re:it, hh; oece-ionilil not internee, or in any way prevent the eon-

Alt:1601mi and determici it o...vresdon They were, ho I, • hated, all In-hi st iii ;Litlinindi they were Policemen, he thought it wce.11

te: t!1 iteitri...y, that it wonlil h ltt them hear the ex-

o!' th, i iU • Mind 111i0/1 ,,,—,11.11411'iiCil questions. He for out wai glad that the wcra presvat a..., Irishmen cit that meeting.

Tier business of the day co•Fistel various communicationS eta:he:Mg sulree•hreio.is hut t-ithing of portirntlar interest occurred.

The /..thratin iSlet or NV.:dnesday pulilishea five long letters from. Mr. I ).( :onna, (I;1 f'el Darr:vie:lie A Two of them were read at the ineetino oo aloteety ; tel, id her; art! 8104W erS tO lrcvittocti,,iiato 1.11I101'./(:k ; owl the fifth is to the President of the 'I'otal Abstinence Sordety :it Tralue, with im enclosure of five poitiols.

Our atterolon has Leen ealled to a provision of the Mtinicipal Reform Act, tinder whielt ;Staid fifty corpornm mails iii call, if' they plreess terininote the solitical resist:awe of their rotten Corium:dime; od

tIi': eeth of' 111,Y.1 11/Oli■ II, It is to hi. re;..,riditd that attention hos not 10-efl

already sufficiently rii II to this ei recoil:Jaime ; hut we trust that. it is riot

trio late. Dy the I:ti Ii, 151h, ;Hid Pith seetions of the now Act, the Cor- poratioi... ca ir, ...IL,. %% hie!' on I he 2.111i Octobor ln.10 shall hart, oloded a inneitapal lardy wider 9 Goo, IV. e. ii 2, aro on I hat day disso/ved; anal tiLl tko property 1,'n1 rvrbit tic rer:01;1•1* 1.1111)1!ZZiell proper.y of the dissolved a:rola:n:60mi therm:tom vests in the new ;Municipal body. The Municipal body, which, by the new Act, is to supersede the old Corporation, is to be elected by the five-pound householders of the town. The Chairman and Council of Commissioners to be so elected, are not to exceed in number twenty-five, nor to be less than nine. The adop- tion of the clauses in the new Act, to which we have alluded, is far pre- ferable to proceeding under the 14th clause, which authorizes an appli- cation to the Crown for a new charter. In the latter case, the municipal franchise will be confined to the ten-pound householders; a qualification far too high to secure a sufficiently popular constituency in our provincial towes.—Dubliti Monitor, Sept. 22.

The Marquis of Lansdowne, in a letter to the Reverend Father Mathew, dated Cork, lath September, bears this testimony to the success of the efforts of the reverend gentleman to introduce habits of temperance among the Irish population—

I am near the conclusion of a journey through a considerable portion of the South of Ireland; iii the course of which I have myself had, everywhere, repeated occasion to observe a most remarkable change for the better in the spramace of the population, and to be assured by others on whom I could rely, of an equally manliest improvement in their character and conduct, pro- duced by the extraordinary success of your unremitting endeavours to intro- duce amongst them confirmed habits of temperance and self-control."

The letter enclosed a draft for 100L, with the regnest that Mr. Mao. then would apply it to the use of any of the institutions, for the benefit of the poorer classes, in which he takes an interest.