26 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 8

A seounts from I Ishon to the 14'11 Septeiniberorneagre and

striet.rtain :', limy ,;re, •III!,■.1. in !.lioW that llie innonnrrn etionnary Innocenti:of among tine t ono; s I-, nn inn. re serious, ;Ill.:lir then the l'ortmsttese (11,vernment Nvotild wish to be 1 olievetl. :11inisters had thought it exptslient to to their arl,itrer:s measures; mitt they had contrived to obtain from ti-I' ("woe, timuelt hy tile's overwhelming majority than in the tws. preview: oe-: -., a for.lior sitepensitnt of the hll hel IS (.01111(S atill lill! Mier t)' Of

ll; • pen - -. The di.. 'fi'ectioni of the 13th l'oittalion had beets dennitsl; hut

onn v N.,' 1.'11n/ 111:11. a 1J:irl Of In /WS:10.111Ni tile revolted Oth. 'I'lle insur- oonf. n 'ill nosh,' heed ; ;Intl i' is remarked 111,11 the Ijocen's (nail's molts r,,try,.!r :(1.. 11,(0. i• ni !O., 1 1 ;11'4 la the...n: WI10111 they v I•ni. Si,lit to put dOWn. Tint!. is t.:•:,,,Foin,•■1 I,:, Ow Older.: sent doNS I, to Vizen, Iln.t tin encounter hoold I.,, ;I. (iid,. I hot nvven the 9th 11:;throw (in hieh was sta boned in 111;11, (.1. ' ) :111,1 OW l'I.V01111.r.:, In 51. lile 1.111'1111T Sheet(' joie the hiserree1.1,:i. 1111! ;st in :11:d 'sub liatnalious 11;e1 for similar reasons Invert removed from Lagos ll no. A remade is quoted, from a inetaplitsrical letter Nvraten : 1,y an ii lint' Of 011e Of llie lgiltaliOlIS 1:1.-4 11■1111L•11, 10 the cifeet 11.1tit 1 " 'I'lle figs ;ire ripe, nod int a %seek the oat 111.11111; is to begin " TM' Ins Militant!. of the city of A \oleo had declared in fityour of the revolt. Ant enneeirt with tin officer of' juntice hael beeti ntlaeleed in Algarve, it is said by (;uerilltins; 'nod the Inflict:rot' jiistice 1Vith killed, Lind IL eori)ara: and priest° were wounded. The Lisbon Municipal Guards are said to have been tamsered with, by threats that their pay was about to be reduced. It is rumoured that considerable sums of money have been sent to the revolted soldiery. The police were employed one morning in tearing down revolutionary placards which had been posted throughout Lisbon. Such arc a few facts which come out, in spite of ;Slinhderial efforts to suppress them.

Reports were renewed that the Marquis de Palmella is to be at the Lod of a new Cabinet. The palace seems to participate in the disorganized state of the country. On the 10th, the Marquis de Saldanha met the Count de Bom- firn at the palace, and severely censured some appointments which he had lately made. An altercation followed, and the 3Iarquis challenged

the Count to single combat The King, it is said, threw himself be- tween them, and appeased their anger.