26 SEPTEMBER 1908, Page 1

The German answer to the Franco-Spanish Note on Morocco was

delivered on Tuesday night. We record with much satisfaction its courteous and reasonable character. There is a good deal of circumlocution, but the reservations are not important, and we have no doubt that the Powers will speedily agree upon their policy towards Mulai Hafid. The Note begins by agreeing with the French and Spanish view that in dealing with Mulai Hafid only interests which are common to all the Powers should be taken into account. Germany has no objection to the demanding of certain guarantees required by those interests. The presentation of the demand, which would be the concern of all, should be made by the doyen of the Diplomatic Corps at Tangier. As for these guarantees in detail, Germany acknowledges that Mulai Hafid must recognise the Algeciras Act, and stipulates only that the measures taken to make that Act effective should be in accordance with Moroccan State Law. She has no objection

to the confirmation of the powers conferred on France and Spain for preventing the smuggling of arms.