26 SEPTEMBER 1914, Page 23


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well-known Professor of History—is an admirable presentation of our case in the form of " a village lecture." It was written for a Buckinghamshire audience, and those who wish to explain the present war to their rustic neighbours could not do better than read this pamphlet to them. We may specially note the happy adaptation of Burke's famous indictment: " We are fighting Germany for the trust she has betrayed. We are fighting Germany in the name of European civiliza- tion, whose ancient honour she has sullied. We are fighting Germany in the name of the people of Belgium, whose rights she has trodden under foot, and whose country she has turned into a desert. In the name of human nature itself, in the name of both sexes, in the name of every age, in the name of every rank, we are fighting the common enemy and oppressor of all."